Elsa war

The Cold War

  • Period: to

    The Cold War

  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    Russains wanted Berlin for themselves insted of it beiong split in to 4 sections. So in order to do that they shut down all highways, railroads, canals from wester occupied germany into western occupied berlin. So it was impossible for the people that lived there to get what the need, (food,medical,ect..). So the us and its suppply their parts of berlin thourgh the air soon enough forcing the other tranportations to be opend back up. Thus keeping the is's part of berlin alive and allies happy.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    A fight between north and south korea. The us fought for the South and China fought for the North. USSR declared war on japan with us in agrrement. After the war the border seperating the north and south becamne permanent
  • creation of nato and the warsaw pact

    creation of nato and the warsaw pact
    The NATO pact was a secutriy pact between europe and western alliles. When the secritarty of state for the U.S. signed the doc. it was the First time seince the 1700 that The us and Europe had joined forces. The warsaw pact is a Communist alliance. CAme in to play 6 yrs after Nato. Soviet powers did not want germany to rebulid its army.The wester alliance allwoed germany to join their side and to rebulid thier army under tight restrictions. So the ussr made new securtiy arangments on there side
  • sputnik

    The firdst statellite launched in to space. thus starting the space race.mission length was 92 days.
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    Bay of Pigs Invasion
    1400 Cuban exlies statred what soon became a botched invasion at the bay of pigs on the southern coats of cuba.1956 fedli castro came to power in a revolt that overthrew the dictator(Fulgencio Batista).J.F.K before his inauguration was traning exiles to invade thier home leand and overthrow the dictator. Word got out of his plan pictures of the plains he painted to look like nativeone where made public. With this exposure the plan failed.
  • Cuban Misslile Crisis

    Cuban Misslile Crisis
    Lasted about 13 daya. US denyed charges of ignoring missiles 90 miles from florida. Agreement was reached for the ussr to publicly dismanlte thier dangerious wepons and return them to the U.S.S.R. . With the agreement that the U.S. agreeing to never invade cuba and the dimantaling of thier weapons. Thus creating the nuclar hot line between Russia and the U.S.
  • Creation of the Berlin Wall

    Creation of the Berlin Wall
    The East German authorities built a wall that completely encircled West Berlin.It was bulit upover night on August13,1961.Wich kept the U.S. out of the north thus bringin on the berlin airlift.One reasion the walkl was impotant was showing how the us is 100%about keeping communsim at bay.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    Fought by north and outh vietnam. The south was soupported by china and other communist allies. The North was supported but the U.S.S.R. The us was doing this to help keep communism from spreding. us involvement started in the early 1960,ended on agust 15,1973. The north and south where reuntited the flowing year. About 800,000 people vietnam soliders and civiallans where killed during the war and 1,626 missing in action.This helped communsim from spredding.
  • disarmament agreement (salt,salt II)

    disarmament agreement (salt,salt II)
    The ussr started to bulid a Anti-Ballistic Missile wich ment that one side could fire on the other. SALT was made to keep each side from growing any more and it failed. So about 1976 SALT2 came to suface. Its goals where to reduce and then eventally eliminate. Not to long after SALT 2 went into play peace was made.
  • Gorbachev's Reforms

    Gorbachev's Reforms
    Mikhail Gorbachev became general secretary of the Soviet Union in March 1985.He started them on a dramatic new course He introduced changes in the economic practice, internal affiars and international relations. Within 5 years his power swept acrroos the eastern communist thus endong the cold war.
  • USSR invasion of afghanistan.

    USSR invasion of afghanistan.
    Lasted over 9 years. Insurgent groups received aid from both Christian and Muslim countries fought against the Soviet Army and allied Afghan forces. About 850,000–1.5 million civilians were killed. In January 1980 foreign ministers from 34 nations of the Islamic Conference agreed on a resolution demanding the immediate urgent and unconditional removail of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.
  • the Fall Of The Berlin Wall

    the Fall Of The Berlin Wall
    spokesman for East Berlin’s Communist Party announced that cizesen where now allowed to cross the wall. Open the gate was shouted and the gate door flooded open with people. More than 2million people from the east visited the west.