The cold war

The Cold War

  • The Nuclear Arms Race

    The Nuclear Arms Race
    It was a competition for supremacy in nuclear warfare between the U.S and the Soviet Union, and their respective allies during the Cold War.
  • HUAC

    House of Representative had createdit to investigate possible subversive activities by fascists, Nazis, or communist. After the war, the committee conducted several highly publicized hearings on communist activities in the United States.
  • The Red Scare

    The Red Scare
    The fear that communists both outside and inside America were working to destroy American life and create a reation. The Russian Revolution and the communists similar Red Scare in 1919 and 1920. The Red Scare that followed after WWII went longer than the one previous to this one.
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    The Yalta Conference involved Rossevelt, Churchill, and Stalin. They wanted to discuss strategy and questions concerning Postwar Germany, Eastern Europe, and Asia. They all three agreed that Poland, Bulgarua, and Romania would hold free elections. They decided and determmained that the countried of Eastern Europe would be democratic.
  • Creation of the U.N.

    Creation of the U.N.
    An organization that would hopefully succeed where the League of Nations failed. The U.N set up its permanent home in New York City. The United States, the Soviet Union, Britain, France, and China were assigned permanet seats on the U.N, the Security Council. The Declaration condemns slavery and torture, upon freedom of speech and religion.
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    At the start, Clement Atlee replaced Churchill as prime minister of Britan. Truman learned of the successful test of the atomic bomb. The Big Three made the dicision to divide Germany into four different parts. They made a new border and free elections for Poland, and they recognized that the Soviets' right to claim reparations for war danages from the German sector they controlled.
  • End of World War II

    End of World War II
    When WWII ended, Europe and Japan laid in ruins. Because Europe lain in ruins, the U.S. assumed global leadership, This lead to the end of the great depression and decades of influenced African Americans abd the Civil Rights Movement. Africans gained momentum to fight for freedom abroad, we needed freedom here,
  • The Truman Doctrine

    The Truman Doctrine
    Congress voted to give Greece and Turkey $400 million in aid. Truman's promise to aid nations struggling against communist movement. It set a new course for American foreign policy.
  • The Marshall Plan

    The Marshall Plan
    Through four years, the United States gave about $13 billion in grants and loans to nations in Western Europe. This program provided food, fuel, and money. Aid was also offered to the Soviet satellite states in Eastern Europe, but Stalin refused to let them accept it.
  • Formation on NATO

    Formation on NATO
    It provided military alliance to counter Soviet Unions expansion. Twelve Western Europeans and twelve North American nations agreed to act together in the defense of Western Europe. Membered nations agreed that "an armed against one or more of them..shall be considered an attack against all them." This principle of mutual military assistance is called collective security.
  • Hollywood Ten

    Hollywood Ten
    A group of left-wing witers, directors, and producers they refused to answer questions, asserting their Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination. The hearing turned into a war of attacks and counterattacks as committee members and witnesses yelled at each other and pointed accusalsry fingers.
  • McCarthyism

    McMarthy was perhaps the most powerful politician in the U.S. McMarthy put for ward his own brand of anticommunism. McCarthy did more to discredit legitimate concerns about demostic communism than any other single American.
  • The Korean War. ( beginning and end

    The Korean War. ( beginning and end
    The Korean War was a suprise attack. I killed over 3,000,000 lives. The UN decided to draw a line between the 38th parallel to avoid a conflict between the U.S and the Soviet. However, with the Soviet occupying the northern side and the U.S troops occupying the southern side, the two sides became increasingly different in their givening systems, The Chinese were able to push the UN and US troops back to the 38th parallel.
  • Rosenbergs

    They were very poor growing up, lower east side of manhattan. They both died for Atom Spying. Pleading innocent, they claimed that they were being persecuted for being Jewish and for holding upopular beliefs.
  • Formation of the Warsaw Pact

    Formation of the Warsaw Pact
    In response to West Germany becoming a member of NATO, the Soviet Union and its satellite states formed a rival military alliance, which they called the Warsaw Pact. Except for Yugoslavia, all the communist states of Eastern were members. Even though the members all agreed on paper not to interfere in one another's internal affairs, the Soviet Union continued to exert firm control over its Warsaw Pact allies.
  • The beginning of the Baby Boom

    The beginning of the Baby Boom
    When soldiers returned home they quickly made up for lost times by marrying and having kids. They putt off having kids because of the depression and war. This led to what population experts termed a "Baby Boom." At the peak of it, one American baby was born every 7 seconds, a grand total of 4.3 millionn for the year. Between 1940 and 1955, the U.S population experienced a great amound increase in growing 27 percent from about 130 to about 165 million.