the civil war timeline

  • Harper's Ferry

    It was a raid led by John Brown. He hped taking over this arsenal would start a massive slave rebellion in the south. It had failed and it was one of the main reasons why the civil war occured
  • Lincoln's First Election

    He wins the presiency mainly due to his famous debates with Stephen Dougless make him and icon of aboltionism in politics and becomes the posterboy of the Republican Party. He spells the death sentence for th south who later seced near his address.
  • South Secedes

    On Lincolin inaguration piled up anger towards the North for enchroching on their way of life finally burts and South Carolina Sedeces and is followed by the rest of the south.
  • Confederate States Establish

    In Montgomery, Alabama, delegates from South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, and Louisiana convene to establish the Confederate States of America. Mianly because of Lincoln's victory was the final threat to the way of their lifes and they were sick of it and decided enough was enough.
  • Writ of Habeas Corpus Suspended

    Lincon suspend the right of Habeas Corpus to all that stood in the Union Force's way, Disagreed with the war, or sided with the South. He would arrest them and they wouldnt be able go through the courts to be found guilty or not guilty or they wouldnt be allwoed to leave even though the authourties didnt have suffiecent proof.
  • 1st battle of bull run

    The losing of the first actual battle in the Civil War convinced the Union that it wasnt going to be a short war and it will take a long time
  • First Income Tax

    Liincoln imposes the first federal income tax by siging the Revenue Act to find a way to pay for this war. He imposed a 3 percent tax on annual incomes over $800.
  • 1st Confiscation Act

    It was an act that permitted the courts to take away any propertthat supported the Confedercy including slaves.
  • Trent Affair

    Southern Diplomats ran through the Union blockade to go to Havanna where they than went upon a British vessal named theTrent. Later on the Union ship San Jacinto took the the diplomats and arested them. England was angry and emanded their freedom. Lincoln relaesed them when the public cooled off.
  • Monitor v. Merrimac

    Two of the first ironclad ships ever invented fought ending in a draw. Changed what naval fighting would become in the future. The biggest naval battle in the war.
  • Shiloh

    It was a battle over the West and Tennesse. grants formidable army was taken a suprise when General Beugaurd suprised them insuing a union retreat. For a day the Confederates were winning. Grant got a huge amount of supply troops and the next day beat back the Confederates.
  • Capture of New Orleans

    Game changing pat of the war. It made it possiable for the Union to capture and contol the Mississppi dividing the South and cutting its transpotation.
  • Homestead/ Morill Land Grants

    They were both land grants that gave land to citizens and states thatw were still in the union at cheap prices and the states would have to sell the land to fund education there. They did it to make quick money andget loyalty from the west
  • The Confiscation Act 2

    It freed the slaves, it authorized the presidant to employ the african americans
  • Antietam

    The bloodiest battle in US history. Where McClean pushed the south finally to the breaking point where they retreated. McClean didnt chase them and end the war but froze up and stopped. It helped give way to the Emmancipation Proclamtion.
  • Emancipation Proclamtion

    Even though the war was not over and the south were still strong. Licncoln had made and adress that freed all the slaves in the US except the ones that were in the boarder states who didnt leave. It enraged the South.
  • National Draft instated

    Lincoln relizing that the war's depravity would scare people from joing the armry and the sudden decrease in soliders he issued the Enrolllment Act. It was a national draft that made people join the army.
  • Vicksburg

    Grant trapped the Pemberton's army in the fortified town making them surrender. He had split the south and had also stopped on of the South's largest armies with out losing a lot of men.
  • Capture of Atlanta

    Sherman took over Atlanta from the confederates and than burned the whole city down after evacuateing everyone. It had increased Northen moral to keep fighting and was the one thing making sure Lincoln won his re election.
  • Lincoln's Re-election

    Wins against his main rival and old general McClean due to the winning of Atlanta by Sherman. Continues to fight the war afterwards.
  • Sherman's March to Sea

    Sherman marched his army from Atlanta to Savanah he would steal food and livestock and burned all thre properity of all who denied him. It was to scare the Georgian people to give up.
  • 13th amendment

    It was an amendment that abolished slavery and any fourm of involuntary servitude except for a crime.
  • Capture of Richmond

    It was hte prize of the war. They drove out the goverment and army who lef to Alabama. It really showed the end of the Confedercy especially when Lncoln came to visit.
  • Surrender at Appomattox

    Lee was on the run and was blocked from going to the south so he went west. He went to the town of Appomattox to recieve supplies and there he was incricled by the union. He than surrandered his remaning troops to Grant at the courthouse.
  • Lincoln's Assination

    He dies at Ford Theater from John Wilkes Booth. He is an instant maytr for the North. His death is thought to be a consipiracy by the South and a lot of people want to avenge him by punishing the south for what they've put the nation through.