The Changes of the Seven Commandments by The Pigs

  • Seven Commandments are Established

    When the animals take control of 'Manor Farm' and re-name it 'Animal Farm' they establish a set of rules called 'The Seven Commandments' 1) Whatever goes on two legs is an enemy
    2) Whatever goes on four legs, or has wings, is a friend
    3) No animal shall wear clothes
    4) No animal shall sleep in a bed
    5) No animal shall drink alcohol
    6) No animal shall kill any other animal
    7) All animals are equal
  • Pigs Slowly take over Animal Farm

    We can see that the pigs think that they are better than the rest of the animals because the start to give themselves special food like the eggs and apples and go to different places to sleep
  • The pigs start dealings with the Humans

    Napolean employs Mr Pinkleton to help with the farm's finacial position
  • The pigs start to drink alcohol

    The pigs begin to drink and change a rule and say 'Animals my dring, but not in excess'
  • Napolean allows for Boxer to be slaughtered

    This breaks the 'No animal shall kill another' commandment
  • Pigs wear clothes and use bed linen

    The Pigs said that 'No animal shall wear clothes' but when they start to mingle more often with humans they begin to wear clothes. Also, when The Pigs move into the Manour House they sleep on the beds but say that is acceptable because it is no different to hay and they dont use the bed linen available (they do)
  • The Pigs become mean and say 'All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others'

    They become somewhat comunist and neglect some particular animals and not others