
The Causes of the American Revolution

  • The French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War
    The French and Indian war was from the years of 1754-1763. The French and Indian war was part of a larger global conflict with the seven years war. They expanded to Ohio river valley. George Washington told the French to leave. They refused. So George returned with a small army. George fights with the French, they surrender and return to Virginia. Later they unite.
  • The Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act
    On April 5th 1764 the British parliament passed the sugar act. The act required colonist to pay a three cent tax. It increased the increasing tax on coffee,indigo, certain wines, rum, and French wines. The parliament passed laws to tax them without giving a vote or voice in government. "no taxation without representation" is the phrase to colonist.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    During the year of 1765 the stamp act was introduced. The stamp act was requiring stamps to be placed on important documents or papers such as court papers, almanacs, pamphlets, newspapers and even playing cards. It showed that tax had been paid on a certain item. Second colonist believed it was unfair because they had no representation in parliament.
  • The Sons of Liberty

    The Sons of Liberty
    A well-organized political organization shrouded in secrecy that was established to undermine British rule in colonial America. This group starts up in port cities like Boston and NYC. They were known to be hot headed and violent.
  • The Townshend Act

    The Townshend Act
    The Townshend Acts taxed imported items such as paper, glass, paint and tea. The English Parliament passed this act to cover costs of the French and Indian War, as well as to show that they still had power over the colonies. The colonists were outraged with this act so they held public demonstrations, boycotted products and smuggled in goods. Parliament eventually decided to repeal this act because of colonial protests.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    On March 5 1770 there was a violent confrontation between the British soldiers and the colonists in Boston. The Boston massacre was a very hard time when John Adams experienced that the Colonist were throwing ice, oyster shells, and clubs. A colonist hit a British soldier in the head and made him accidentally fire. That is when the Boston massacre started. There was a lot of colonist lying on the ground dead.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    On the night of December 16,1773 around 60 colonist dressed as Mohawk Indians boarded the tea ships docked in Boston harbor and tossed 342 crates of tea into the Harbor.
  • The Tea Act

    The Tea Act
    This new tax law was not designed to raise taxes in the colonies. The tea act was created to help the East India company. The company was having a great financial difficulty and had 18 million pounds of unsold tea. The colonial reactions is very unfair that the colonist had no say in government.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    The England government was furious about the Boston tea party to punish colonist parliament passed a series of laws called coercive acts. The colonist renamed it the intolerable acts because they were truly not tolerable. Some things included in the acts is British soldiers coming into colonist home and taking whatever they wanted.
  • The First Continental Congress

    The First Continental Congress
    During that time at Carpenters hall in Philadelphia Pennsylvania, The leaders George Washington, John Adams, Patrick Henry, John Jay, Samuel Adams, and many others met to discuss the current crises with England and expressed the outrage with the coercive acts. Also what was included is confirming that they were still loyal to king George The third. They passed peace.
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord

    Battles of Lexington and Concord
    The battles of lexington and concord is a time when a group of colonists practiced for a month and the British soldiers practice for year's went to war no one knows to day who took the first shot. The battle left 8 british soldiers dead and 10 wounded. The battle was named the shot around the world.