
The Book Thief Timeline by: Shea Thomas

  • Switzerland acts.

    Switzerland acts.
    All Jews were forced to wear a J so Switzerland could hold the Jews from immergrating into the country. This would keep the Jews confined into certain countries.
  • Liesel moves into Himmel Street and meets Rudy

    Liesel moves into Himmel Street and meets Rudy
    Liesel moves to 33 Himmel street and meets Rudy in a game of soccer.
  • Germans occupy Czechoslovakia

    Germans occupy Czechoslovakia
    Germans occupy Czechoslovakia
  • WWII starts

    WWII starts
    World War two starts with the lnvasion of Poland.
  • Liesel Punches Tommy

    Liesel Punches Tommy
    Liesel punches Tommer Muler, an event Liesel, Rudy and Tommy will always remember.
  • Jew discrimination in poland

    Jew discrimination in poland
    All Jews in Poland are now forced to wear the yellow star.
  • Rudy caught in school.

    Rudy caught in school.
    Rudy was caught in school when he called Liesel a saumensch.
  • Hitler's Birthday

    Hitler's Birthday
    Adolf Hitler turns 51 and a celebration is held for his birthday and victory over France.
  • Rudy meets Liesel at the Burning of the books

    Rudy meets Liesel at the Burning of the books
    Molching was holding a burning of books for Hitler's birthday and Rudy meets Liesel at the Hitler Youth.
  • Rudy becomes a thief

    Rudy becomes a thief
    Rudy and Liesel join Arhur and his friends stealing apples and other food, their relationship would grow greatly over time.
  • Rudy steals from the priests.

    Rudy steals from the priests.
    Rudy and Liesel steal some food from a priest. They share the food with Arthur Berg and others, this would be the second to last job for Arthur.
  • Anti-Jew riots

    Anti-Jew riots
    Anti-Jew riots in Romania led to the killing of hundreds of Jews over only five days.
  • Polish Jew round-up

    Polish Jew round-up
    German authorities begin rounding up Polish Jews for transfer to the Warsaw Ghetto in Germany.
  • Rudy loses his soccer streak

    Rudy loses his soccer streak
    Liesel's team beats Rudy and his team after Rudy's team was on a 6-game win streak.
  • Rudy stands up for Tommy

    Rudy stands up for Tommy
    Since Tommy was deaf in one ear, Rudy stood up for him at Hitler youth, he and Tommy ran laps afterwards and the hatred between Rudy and Deutscher grew.
  • Rudy fights Victor

    Rudy fights Victor
    After a long day of theft, VIctor (Arthur's replacement) gave Liesel an apple out of all of what they stole, and before Rudy left, he spit some blood in his face.
  • Rudy steals the biggest potato

    Rudy steals the biggest potato
    As Rudy tries to steal the biggest potato in the market, he gets caught and has nothing to eat.
  • Rudy fights Deutscher

    Rudy fights Deutscher
    Deutscher fights Rudy in the street. After he's pinned, he cuts Rudy's hair.
  • Rudy almost freezes for Liesel's book

    Rudy almost freezes for Liesel's book
    Rudy jumps into the river to get Liesel's book, nearly freezing to death.
  • Rudy changes Hitler Youth groups

    Rudy changes Hitler Youth groups
    Rudy transfers over to another group that specliazed in model airplanes and science.
  • Gasing of the Jews begins

    Gasing of the Jews begins
    Extermination by gas begins in Sobibor killing center; by October 1943, 250,000 Jews would be killed and disposed of.
  • Hitler youth fair

    Hitler youth fair
    This fair, Rudy wins three of the four sprint races, and he won three gold medals, he lost the fourth one on purpose because he said he was'nt Jesse Owens.
  • Rudy dies.

    Rudy dies.
    A bombing comes through Himmel street the night of October 2, killing everyone execpt Liesel.
  • German 6th Army surrenders at Stalingrad

    German 6th Army surrenders at Stalingrad (Russia).