
The Battles of World War One

  • Skirmish at Joncherey

    Skirmish at Joncherey
    On August 2, 1914, Germany illegally crossed the border into France. To prevent a war, France didn't stop the German advancement. The Germans continued, and exchanged shots with small groups of French infantry. When they arrived a Joncherey, Jules Andre Peugeot and four other soldiers went to arrest the Germans. Peugeot was shots three times in the shoulder, but still survived. The German leader was killed with a shot in the head. Three other Germans were injured and captured.
  • Germany invaded Belgium

    Germany invaded Belgium
    Germany invaded Belgium to outflank the French army. The Belgium defenses started to move west. On October 31, 1914 the Germany had full control over Belgium.
  • The battle of Cer

    The battle of Cer
    The battle of Cer was fought in Cer Mountain and in the surrounding villages in northern Serbia. On August 15, Austria Hungary invaded Serbia. They fought over control of the area. The battle ended in a Serbian victory. About 4,000 Serbians were killed and 15,000 wounded. Those of the Austro-Hungarians were significantly higher, with 6,000–10,000 soldiers killed, 30,000 wounded and 4,500 taken as prisoners of war.
  • Battle of Le Grand Fayt

    Battle of Le Grand Fayt
    The German 2nd Army commander General Karl von Bülow had ordered a rapid pursuit after the battles of 21–24 August against the French Fifth Army and the British Expeditionary Force ("BEF"). The 1st and 2nd armies were sent to the south-west to gain the left flank of the Allied line. The X Reserve Corps encountered "especially obstinate" resistance at Marbaix and Le Grand-Fayt. The battle was an ambush against the UK and Germany. The U.K. quickly retreated.
  • Battle of Heligoland Bight

    Battle of Heligoland Bight
    The battle of Heligoland Bight was the first navel battle of World War 1. The battle took place in the south-eastern North Sea when the British attacked German patrols off the north-west German coast. For the UK, 35 were killed, 55 were wounded, and 1 light cruiser was heavily damaged. For Germany, 712 were killed, 336 were captured, 3 light cruisers were sunk, 2 torpedo boats were sunk, and 1 destroyer was sunk. It ended with a Brittish victory.
  • German High Seas Fleet were destroyed with mines

    German High Seas Fleet were destroyed with mines
    59 ships were destroyed and 9 people died. These were the last casualties of World War 1.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Treaty of Versailles between the Allies and Germany is signed. This ends the fighting between the Allies and Germany.