
The African Slave Trade and Empires Around the World

  • Mar 19, 624

    Islamic Views on Slavery

    Islamic Views on Slavery
    The Ottoman Empire incorporated Islam with their governmental structure. The Quran and Hadith classify slavery as an exceptional condition that can be entered into under certain limited circumstances. This would soon justify the Arabian slave trade in the Middle East.
    Photo credits: http://comradesch.deviantart.com/art/Prophet-Muhammad-498894303
  • Mar 20, 1420

    The African Empire: Initial Trade

    The African Empire: Initial Trade
    Africans played a direct role in the slave trade, selling their captives or prisoners of war to European and Arabian buyers. The prisoners and captives who were sold were usually from neighbouring or enemy ethnic groups or tribes. African historians would mark this as the beginning of the African holocaust.
  • Jan 20, 1450

    The Ottoman Empire: Barbary Slave Trade

    The Ottoman Empire: Barbary Slave Trade
    Slavery in the Ottoman Empire was essential to it's economy and society. The Barbary slave trade consisted of North Africans who were enslaved during conquest raids. Captured slaves formed armies that were a central part of the Ottoman imperial structure.
  • Mar 19, 1502

    The Spanish Empire: The First Atlantic Trade

    The Spanish Empire: The First Atlantic Trade
    The first Atlantic trade consisted of enslaved Africans transferred to South American colonies of the Portuguese and Spanish empires. It started in 1502 and lasted until 1580 when Portugal was temporarily united with Spain. Geographic sanctions would soon pull Spain out of the African slave trade. http://www.slavevoyages.org/
  • Jamestown Needs Labor

    Jamestown Needs Labor
    In 1607, England established Jamestown as its first permanent colony on the North American continent. Tobacco became the chief crop of the colony. Once it became clear that tobacco was going to drive the Jamestown colony, more labor was needed. The major possibilities were indentured servants from Britain, native Americans, and West Africans.
    Photo credits: http://usslave.blogspot.com/2012/04/royal-african-company-supplying-slaves.html
  • The English Empire: The Second Atlantic Trade

    The English Empire: The Second Atlantic Trade
    The first Africans to be brought to English North America landed in Virginia in 1619. A 1625 census recorded 23 Africans in Virginia. In 1649 there were 300, and in 1690 there were 950.
    Photo Credits: http://memorialsocialstudies.pbworks.com/w/page/30271172/colonial life
  • English Capitalize on Western Slave Trade

    English Capitalize on Western Slave Trade
    By the 1690s, the English were shipping the most slaves from West Africa. Slave imports were at an all time high in the North American colonies via the middle passage.
  • The Ottoman Empire: The Arabian Slave Trade

    The Ottoman Empire: The Arabian Slave Trade
    The Arabian slave trade peaked in the 18th century. The trades were conducted through slave markets in the Middle East, North Africa and the Horn of Africa, with the slaves captured from Africa's interior. Historians believe that between 10 to 18 million Africans were transported across the trans-Sahara and Oriental routes.
  • Christian Views on Slavery

    Christian Views on Slavery
    In the eighteenth and nineteenth century, debates in passages of the Bible were used by both pro-slavery advocates and abolitionists to support their ideologies.
  • Abolitionism in the United Kingdom

    Abolitionism in the United Kingdom
    Slavery in Great Britain had never been authorized by statute. In 1772 it was made unenforceable at common law by a decision of Lord Mansfield.
  • The American Empire: Gains Independence

    The American Empire: Gains Independence
    The United States of America gains independence from Great Britain. Slaves continued to be imported by Portuguese, Dutch, French, and English traders. Slavery contributed to the success of the economy.
  • Industrialization vs Slave Labor

    Industrialization vs Slave Labor
    While the Union states were dependent upon industrialization, the Confederacy states were dependent upon slave labor.
  • American civil war

    American civil war
    The war was partly caused by slavery, especially the expansion of slavery into the western territories. The Union Army legally enlisted blacks after July 17, 1862. Many slaves fled North to achieve freedom and fight against southern oppressors.
  • The Union Wins: Slavery Abolished

    The Union Wins: Slavery Abolished
    The Union won the civil war and officially declares slavery to be unconstitutional in the United States of America. President Lincoln is assinated days after. .https://libcom.org/history/lincoln-emancipation-howard-zinn
  • The European Empires: The Scramble for Africa

    The European Empires: The Scramble for Africa
    This was the invasion, occupation, and colonization of Africa. In 1870, only 10 percent of Africa was under European control; by 1914 it was 90 percent of the continent. This was considered a lesser evil compared to slavery.
  • Contemporary Slavery: Tippu Tip the Trader

    Contemporary Slavery: Tippu Tip the Trader
    Tippu Tip was a well known slave trader throughout The Ottoman Empire. He built a trading empire that turned into clove plantations in Zanzibar. By 1895, he had acquired seven plantations and 10,000 slaves. Slavery continued in the Ottoman Empire until the early 1900's.
    Photo credits: