The American Revolution

  • 1st successful British Colony was established in Jamestown.

    1st successful British Colony was established in Jamestown.
  • Period: to

    From Colonies to Revolution

  • Virginia House of Burgesses established & provided an example of a representative form of gov’t

  • -Mayflower Compact serves as an example of self-gov’t for the rest of the colonies to follow.

  • The French & Indian War Begins. Each individual colony begins to mobilize to help the British fight against the French and their Native American allies.

  • Albany Plan of Union: Delegates from all 13 colonies met to discuss the possibility of uniting together under British rule in order to fight against the French

  • The Sugar Act: The British tax sugar, employed customs officers, and created courts to collect tax/prosecute smugglers.

  • Proclamation of 1763: Britain limited colonial settlement and forbid colonists to move anywhere west of the Appalachian Mountains

  • The Quartering Act: The British required the colonies to provide housing & supplies for British troops stationed in the colonies.

  • The Townshend Acts: Parliament levied (issued) new duties (taxes) on imported glass, lead, paint, paper and tea.

  • The Boson Massacre! Colonists threw snowballs at British soldiers. In the confusion, the nervous soldiers opened fire. 5 colonists died.

  • The Boson Tea Party: colonists dressed as Native Americans boarded 3 British ships & destroyed all the tea on board.

  • First Continental Congress: 12 out of 13 colonies (GA no show) met in Philadelphia and decided that ALL colonies should boycott ALL British goods.

  • Battles of Lexington & Concord: Fighting erupted when British troops attempted to seize weapons stockpiled in Concord, Massachusetts.

  • Second Continental Congress: Representatives meet again in Philadelphia & quickly authorize General George Washington to for the Continental Army.

  • Olive Branch Petition: The Second Continental Congress sends the Olive Branch Petition to King George III to ease tensions & tell the king that the colonies are still loyal to him but not to Parliament.

  • Common Sense: Thomas Paine’s wrote a book called Common Sense which sold 150,000 copies. Its purpose was to persuade the colonists to declare independence & break away from Britain.

  • The Stamp Act: Parliament required colonists to pay taxes on all printed materials (newspapers, deeds, books, contracts).

  • Declaration of Independence: The colonies officially declared their independence. Thomas Jefferson was the author and was inspired by the Enlightenment philosophers such as John Locke (natural rights, social contract theory)