the american revoluotion

By jsmigel
  • proclamation of 1763

    proclamation of 1763
    a law passed by king goerge 3 declaring that no one should settle west of the appalachian mountins
  • stamp act

    stamp act
    british parliment passed this act saying that all colonist had to pay a tax whenever a peice of paper is used. they even taxed playing cards
  • quartering act

    quartering act
    this act stated that all colonist were required to provide shelter and food to any britsh soldier that need it
  • townshend act

    townshend act
    the british passed this act because they wanted to show the colonies that they had the right to tax them because the were still british colonies
  • boston massacre

    boston massacre
    colonist were throwing snowballs, sticks, and stones at britsh soldiers. the soldiers fired upon the colonist killing 5
  • boston tea party

    boston tea party
    protest by the "sons of liberty" in were they went abord a british supply ship and dumped all of the tea into the boston harbor
  • intolerable acts

    intolerable acts
    this was punishment from britian to the colonies for the boston tea party
  • first continental congress

    first continental congress
    delagates from 12 of the 13 colonies met in philadelphia to discuss action against the british
  • lexington and concord

    lexington and concord
    the first battle between colonial malita men and britsh soldiers
  • battle of bunker hill

    battle of bunker hill
    although the colonist lost they delt a lot of damage to the britsh and it was a confidence boost the the colonist