The Algonquin of the Eastern Woodlands Timeline

  • Jun 10, 1500

    The Fur Trading

    The Algonquins hunted many animals and sold the fur to Euroean traders. The Algonquins has had many wars. The Iroqouis then became in control of the fur tradiing.
  • Jun 1, 1570

    Algonquin v.s. Iroqouis

    Algonquin v.s. Iroqouis
    The Algonquin formed an alliance with the Montgnais to also fight with the Iroqouis.
  • Algonquins are losing

    Algonquins are losing
    The Algonquins are losing to battle to the Iroqouis, not allowing them to move upward of the St. Lawrence River.
  • Samuel DePaul

    Samuel DePaul
    The leader samuel De Paul created an alliance with the Algonquins, helping them with guns and other weapons. But they did not get any guns, they got steel knives and other types of weapons.
  • The Beavers

    the Iroquis hid all their beavers then gathered them up north. then the dutch traders helped them with steel weapons that were used to fight the Algonquins then they won. that was because french were busy with England.
  • The French become helpful

    the french begin to sell guns to the algonquins to help them get back the southern land. at the same time the french jesuits were trying to make everyone become a Catholic.
  • SmallPox

    the smallpox spread across the eastern woodlands. because of that many algonquins died because of this disease
  • The Iroquis became stronger

    they became much stronger than the algonquins, so the french were not supporting the algonquins anymore
  • the french stepped in

    the french finally fought off the Irquis which helped the algonquins start taking control over the trading.
  • The British Impacts

    the algonquins gave up the alliance with the french and joined the britians.since they were now apart of the britians they fought with the men in the Revolutionary War.
  • United States to Canada

    after the war the british settlers chose to move north to the algonquin lands.
  • Deforestation

    the british began to cut the forest trees down and sell the wood. they ruined the algonquins hunting areas. so then they had to move into smaller and smaller reservations.