
the abolisment of slavery

  • when slavery began

    when slavery began
    sourceThe first slaves that came to north america came to jamestown,virginia in 1619. Slaves help build the economic foundation of our country. In the 17th centery Europeans believed that slaves were cheaper and more useful than indentured servents. Some historians estimated that 6-7 million slaves were imported to america.Slaves usually word on rice, indigo
    , cotton and tobbaco.
  • The Underground Railroad

    The Underground Railroad
    The Underground Railroad was neither a railroad or underground. The was given that name because it had to be a secret and the hid in the dark. The railroad ment that they had a certain way or path they had to follow to reach their freedom. The main person who was behind this great path to freedom was Harriet Tubman. Harriet made 19 return trips to the south which freed 300 slaves.
  • Rise of the abolition movement

    The abolition started from 1830-1860. The movement gained strength more in the north than the south. One of these leaders was Fredrick Douglass. Who was born into slaver and escaped in his 20s and became an anti-slavery activist. For 16 years he ran a newspaper called the North Star.
  • Nat Turner Rebellion

    nat turner rebellionTurner and 5 other men went from farm to farm killing white people for 12 hours. By then 8 more slaves joined the movement and 60 white people were dead. After the rebellion Nat turner was found and executed while he was preparing to die he wrote about his rebellion and what he did throught his life that lead to his death. Nat Turner was a preacher.
  • Fredrick Douglass

    fredrick douglass Fredrick Bailey was 20 years old when he escaped from his master in Baltimore. Later he changed his name to fredrick Douglass so he would not get caught by his master
  • how slavery ended in america

    how slavery ended in america
    The u.s house of representatives passed the 13th admendment to the constitution in america. Slavery basically ended when the union army was victorious. In the mid-19th centery the abolishment movement grew so big that it turned into a war between the north and south called the Civil War(1861-1865).In the end the north freed 4 million slaves.