Strictly kev raiding 20th century

The 20th Century's most Influential Events

  • World War I

    World War I
    WWI lasted from 1914 to 1919 in Europe. It was hoped to be the war that ends all wars, though it just set out the base for WWII. The assination of Austria's Archduke and his wife was what sparked this war. It later resulted in Germany being allied with Austria-Hungary whom were the central powers against France, the United Kingdom and Russia whom were allies aswell.
  • Discovery of Penicillin

    Discovery of Penicillin
    Even though it was discovered through an expiremntal accident by Alexander Fleming; This discovery had a huge impact on medecine today, as this was the basis of the creation of antibiotics.
  • Wall Street Crash

    Wall Street Crash
    The Wall Street crash in the 20s led to the Great Depression which lasted throughout the 30s. Life became hard, as jobs became scarce and the world as a whole was in a deep funk. It was not only the US who felt it as many other countries experienced its' ripple affect. This taught everyone tilll today how important it is to have a stable economy and how long it may take to get it up and running properly again
  • The Holocaust

    The Holocaust
    The genocide of 6 million Jews during WWII was put into play in Nazi Germany by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. This mass murder did not only occur in Germany but in all Germany-occupied territory throughout Europe. This affected the world today as it caused the movement of Jews to finding their own state that result in the Nakba later. Till today this remains to be a very sensitive topic.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbour

    Attack on Pearl Harbour
    It had been 2 years since the start of WWII. The Japenese planes emerged from the sky and bombed the Hawaiin navel base. This event marked the entry of America into WWII and their decleration of war on Japan. The bombings not only added spark to the fire that was already aflamed but highly increased the tension that had already exsisted and poluted the sky even more.
  • The Bombing of Hiroshima

    The Bombing of Hiroshima
    Nuclear and Atomic energy used as weapons of mass destruction was no longer a theory but a reality. America had just bombed Japan aorund the end of WWII with a new weapon for the Russians to see and fear. This event that marks a great leap of scientific knowledge and advancement also marks the creation of the tool of our doom, that will remain a constent threat to mankaind.
  • The Nakba

    The Nakba
    On this day the UN accepted a parition plan to divide Palestian providing the Jewish people a state of their own. On this same day millions of Palestians were thrown out of their homes to become refugees and foreigners in their own land. On this day a new group of people with no land was born as theirs was stolen from them. Till this day no one has an answer to this situation, as, as the time passes, things get worse.
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    Apollo 11 was the first space shuttle to reach the moon, having Neil Armstrong be the first man to ever walk on the moon. This was a great leap in space exploration as well asscientific and technological advancement. This achievement highly effected and motivated mankind as to the goals we may reach and what we are capable of doing in the years to come.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
    The tearing down of the physical and symbolic barrier between the democrates and to communists was a great step forward. It meant the great fall of Communism which put the an end to the Cold War that has has been a burden to the world for more than half a century
  • The Gulf War

    The Gulf War
    This was led by the US against Iraq for their invasion of Kuwait. Although this was primarly Iraq against Kuwait as they wanted their money back, Saudia Arabia got the US involved as they were worried they would get invaded as well. The US's first step to end this was claiming to the UN that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, which was annouced to be a false accusation. This is an extremly influential event as it created tension amongst arab countries and with the US.