The 1920s

By corovec
  • Prohibition Begins

    Prohibition Begins
    Prohibition was the first major event of the 1920s and it was when alcohol was made illegal under the 18th amendment. It restricted the production, importation, transportation and sale of alcohol and was in place until 1933.
  • Woman Gain Voting Rights

    Woman Gain Voting Rights
    This is easily one of the most important events in U.S history. the bill was passed by congress on June 4th in 1919, and became official on the date stated. This was done under the 19th amendment and marked significant changes in gender roles and revolutionary change of America.
  • World Series Broadcast

    World Series Broadcast
    On this day, the first game of the World Series between The New York Giants and New York Yankees was broadcast over live radio for the first time. Though the game was only audible over three stations this marked a change in technology and entertainment for America.
  • Hitler's Arrest

    Hitler's Arrest
    On November 8th, Adolf Hitler made an attempt along with other members of the Nazi party to get the three governors of Bavaria to assist and join him in a national revolution. This attempt was not sucessful and Adolf Hitler was arrested and placed in jail, sentenced to five years in jail where he wrote the well-known book Mein Kampf.
  • Olympic Winter Games

    Olympic Winter Games
    On January 25th 1924, the first winter Olympic games took place. It was hosted in Chamonix in France. This was significant because even now the Olympics bring the whole world together and create new connections and a revolutionized form of entertainment and income. The closing ceremonies were held on February 5th.
  • J. Edgar Hoover Appointed

    J. Edgar Hoover Appointed
    John Edgar Hoover was the first ever appointed director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. He was appointed as general director on May 10th. Hoover's contribution is very significant as many people say he took the crime fighting industry to a whole new level. His term as director lasted until May 2nd 1972, which is also the day that he passed away.
  • The Great Gatsby

    The Great Gatsby
    On this day the book that changed the world and our education systems was published. Author F. Scott Fitzgerald published his book The Great Gatsby. This book focused big on the American Dream and is taught in classrooms still to this day because of its legacy and story it shows and tells about the change of America and what it was like trying to reach the American Dream.
  • 40 Hour Work Week

    40 Hour Work Week
    On this day, Henry Ford announced a new system of work. It was the well-known 40 hour work week. For the workers in the Ford factory, this was applied first, then the following August the same hours were applied to office workers of the Ford company as well. With this increase of hours the pay was also increased. The majority viewed this as a positive change. This is significant because most of us still work around this method.
  • Atlantic Solo Flight

    Atlantic Solo Flight
    Charles Lindbergh was the first man to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. This was such a significant event it gathered over 100,000 people and created what The Times newspaper referred to as a "movement of humanity" This was a big first step and helped us get to where we are today in the world of transportation. His sucessfull flight led to great fame and him becoming a historical figure and inspiration.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The Great Depression was a period of economic failure. The stock markets had crashed starting around September fourth, and the issue became world wide on the listed date. Also referred to as Black Tuesday, The Great Depression was a period of unemployment and poverty. One of the causes was the high demand and elevated prices in stock. Prices were higher than the worth of the companies. This crisis lasted until the late 1930's and was detrimental all over the world.