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The 1920s

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    World War I

    The United States does not officially join the Allied forces until April 6, 1917.
  • 1920 Census

    For the first time in U.S. history, half of the population lived in urban areas.
  • Presidential Election of 1920

    Republican Warren G. Harding wins against his opponiant Democrat James Cox by a margin of 61% of the popular vote. That margin is the largest up to date.
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    Postwar Recession

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    Warren G. Harding's Presidency

  • Emergency Quota Act

    Harding signed the Emergency Quota Act which limited the number of immigrants who were allowed to enter the United States.
  • Sacco and Vanzetti Found Guilty of Murder

    Two Italian immigrants were controversially found guilty of robbery and murder.
  • Four-Power Treaty

    Part of the Washington conference in whcih the United Sates, France, Great Britain, and Japan agreed to respect one another's territories in the Pacific.
  • Nine-Power Treaty

    All of the countries who took part in the Washington Conference signed this treaty saying that they would respect China's Open Door policy.
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    Business Prosperity

    Most the 1920s was a time of prosperity for business. During this time, unemployment was under 4%.Even so, 40% of American families were living under the poverty line with incolms of $1500 a year.
  • Five-Power Treay

    One part of the Washington Conference which put in place a ratio for the number of large warships the five nation with the biggest navies were allowed to have.
  • Fordney-McCumber Tariff

    This tariff raised American duties on foreign maufactured goods, protecting American businesses.
  • President Harding Dies

    Harding dies very suddenly and his Vice President Calvin Coolidge becomes the President.
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    Calvin Colidge's Presidency

  • Immigrant Act of 1924

    This act continued to restrict immigration. but was more specificly against eastern and southern Europeans and Asians.
  • Dawes Plan

    A plan put in place to help European nations pay off their war debts by cycling money from the U.S. to Germany to Great Britain and France and then back to the United States.
  • Presidential Election of 1924

    Republican Calvin Coolidge, previously Harding's Vice President and the current President, won against Democrat John V. Davis and the Progressive Party's canididate Robert La Follette, who got 5 million votes and 15 electorial college votes.
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact

    This treaty, which was signed by almost all nations around the world, forbad the use of agressive force as a means to achieve national ends.
  • Presidential Election of 1928

    Republican Herbert Hoover won against Democrat Alfred E. Smith.
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    Herbert Hoover's Presidency

  • Black Tuesday

    Also known as the Wall Street Crash of 1929. This day marked the beginning of the Great Depression.