The 1700 Battles

  • The Battle of Lexington

    The Battle of Lexington was lead by Captian John Parker. The battle was fought because the british tried to take the americans amo and food. They didnt sucide and we one. We won Lexington. But the bad thing about the battle was that the bond between us was broken. they now were our enimies! *In this picture it is showing the two armies fighting in front of a old tavern.
  • Battle of Concord

    The battle was lead by the same people as the Lexington battle.The genrals were Sam Adams, John Hancock and Jhn Parker for the americans. For the british, Genral Gage. They fought The battle of Concord as pretty much a rematch to try to win again.We one the second battle even though the british one the Lexington battle. *The Picture is showing the two armies fighting while crossing over the Concord Bridge.
  • Th Battle Of Fort Ticonderoga

    This battle was a sucess. We one with two genrals named Ethan Allen and Benidict Arnold. We fought the battle so we could gain amo and arttilery. We also wanted the british fort.We gained the fort and alot of amo and artilery. *In the picture it shows Genral Arnold Wounded
  • The Battle Of Bunker Hill

    The leader of the americans was William Prescot. He fought agenst William Howe. Militia men built forts on Breeds Hill and there were stations on Bunker Hill. Armed the British attack!! After the war was over there was around 1000 red coats dead or injured. We still lost 400 mean and worst of all lost the war. The Americans almost beat the best army.
    • In this picture the quote claimes that Warren is dieing.
  • Battle Of Quebec

    The American leader was Benidict Arnold. The British leader wasnt mentioned though. They fought to defeat the british forces and draw canidants aids into the patriot cause. As a result We fought for about 3 months but then retreated . Well , the British won.
    • In this picture it showes French military leader the marquis de Montcalm dying during the Battle of Quebec.
  • British Retreat From Boston

    The leader of the Americans was Henery Knox. He fought agenst William Howe. No one broke the standoff.Washington was getting cannons after 2 months. He then posintioned them in Dochester Hieghts overlooking Boston. Americans were in power and could bombard the city. Lastly the british withdrawed the troops and left. The americans recliamed Boston. *This pictures showes a british grenader.