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By chavis
  • First tv

    First tv
    The first tv was invented in 1923 by John Logie Baird.
  • Moving picture

    Moving picture
    John Logie Bair created the first moving picture tv.
  • Color T.V.

    Color T.V.
    The first announceme nt of color TV cast was made by George Valensi. This proposal sparked newideas for the television industry.
  • First Broadcasting of Color TV

    First Broadcasting of Color TV
    Color Broadcasting officially arrived to the U.S when FCC approved of the modified RCA system.
  • Videotape and Cable

    Videotape and Cable
    At this point they invented cable and videotape. Cable allowed you have multiple television shows.
  • TV is More Important Newspapers

    TV is More Important Newspapers
    Television surpasses newspaper which means more people were relying on tvs to get their daily information like news, weather, etc.
  • TV Popularity

    TV Popularity
    By the start of 1996 98% of US households owened at least one TV
  • Flat Screens

    Flat Screens
    Flat screen tvs were first introduced around this time and they had been very expensive when they were first introduced. They contained high quality picture and image quality.
  • 3D TV

    3D TV
    In 2012 TV manufacturers released high definition 3D tv which mad the picture look like it was coming at you.