Telecommunication inventions

  • Invention's Charles Babbage

    Invention's Charles Babbage
    The invention of Charles is called computer, is an electronic machine that is used for storing, organizing, and finding words, numbers, and pictures, for doing calculations, and for controlling other machines.
  • Invention's Samuel Morse

    Invention's Samuel Morse
    The invention of Samuel morse is called Telegraph, is an apparatus or device that uses electrical signals to transmit encoded text messages, such as Morse code, over wire lines or radio communications.
  • Invention's Antonio Santi Guiseppe Meucci

    Invention's Antonio Santi Guiseppe Meucci
    This invention is called telephone is a telecommunication device created to transmit signals at a distance by means of electrical signals.
  • Invention's Guillermo Marconi

    Invention's Guillermo Marconi
    The invention of Guillermo is called radio, it is a means of communication that is based on the sending of audio signals through radio waves
  • Invention's Charles Francis Jenkins

    Invention's Charles Francis Jenkins
    The invention of Charles is called television, is an apparatus or device that uses electrical signals to transmit encoded text messages, such as Morse code, over wire lines or radio communications.
  • Invention's Alan Kay

    Invention's Alan Kay
    The invention of Alan kay is called tablet, it is a laptop (computer) larger than a smartphone but, generally, smaller than a netbook. It is characterized by having a touch screen: this means that to use the tablet you do not need a mouse or keyboard.
  • Invention's Martin Cooper

    Invention's Martin Cooper
    The invention of Martin is called mobile phone, it is a portable device that can make or receive calls through a radio frequency carrier, while the user is moving within a telephone service area.