Technology Use Progression

  • Free Wi-Fi

    Free Wi-Fi
    It allowed consumer to feel the need to want to dine-in. This also aided students who needed access to WiFi while working on their studies.
  • Google- Larry Page & Sergey Brin

    Google- Larry Page & Sergey Brin
    One is able to use it to find an answer to their question or uncertainty. Later on, it did more by providing a multitude of services like email, photo-sharing, smartphone development, computing and mobile operating systems development, and navigational mapping.
  • USB Flash Drive- Henn Tan

    USB Flash Drive- Henn Tan
    Instead of a disc, one would use a USB to put in whatever it is that they needed easily accessible. The USB was and still is portable and accessible.
  • GPS - Dr. Ivan Getting, Roger L. Easton, Brad Parkinson, Dr. Gladys West

    GPS - Dr. Ivan Getting, Roger L. Easton, Brad Parkinson, Dr. Gladys West
    It's original intention was to accurately locate military transportation technology around the world and to also improve on previous navigation systems. Then, in 1983 it became accessible to civilians for civilian commercial airlines to improve navigation and safety of air traveling. In the year 2000, rental car companies received access to help drivers navigate the road with ease.
  • First iPhone - Steve Jobs

    First iPhone - Steve Jobs
    Consumers were able to simultaneously talk while browsing the internet. It enhanced the features of a mobile phone by having a multi-touch screen display, microphone, and headset controls.