
technology use

  • computer

    year-181 and 1891
    invention- an English mechanical engineer and polymath
    inventor- Charles Babbage
    This invention has change our life's by actually make everything easy for school and jobs everything is way easier to do the things we need to do.
  • Flip phone

    Flip phone
    invention- to cellular technology, creating what would become the version of cellular.
    inventor- Martin Cooper
    Flip phone were a helpful thing to actually talk someone and text this change our life's by actually get together with people and talk to them over the phone.
  • Smart boards

    Smart boards
    invention-It was able to provide touch controls in the same way as a computer.
    inventor- David Martin, Nancy Knowlton
    Smart boards change our life by actually make school way easier and teacher could teach more and connect their tables or laptop it to and make students to learn more and do things when they could write in the smart boards.
  • Iphone

    invention- Macworld convention, receiving substantial media attention.
    inventor-Steve jobs
    Iphone change our life's by actually talk and text and call people on the phone they are the same has smart phones and tables but phones you can take it everywhere you go with you and you can call anyone.
  • apple tables

    apple tables
    invention- with a 9-7 inch display a 10 hour battery life and a powerful processor.
    inventor- Steve Jobs
    table are the same has a smart phones and it changes our life's by actually google stuff in the phone and get to social media and connected with people around the world and can call or text them. Then help us to do school work and work as well.