Technology Timeline for the 90s

  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    It was created in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee.
    Even though, this wasn't the first true idea of the internet, his idea was to expand upon the data already shown and given without little to no constraint by the government. It brought the idea of a browser to life and displayed lots of information for a person.
  • Nokia 1011

    Nokia 1011
    It was created in 1992.
    The Nokia 1011 was the first mass produced cell phone with many features including sending/receiving text messages and being able to hold 99 contacts. It became more affordable for the average family.
  • Playstation

    It was created in 1994 by Sony.
    The PlayStation is a gaming console where teens and adults play video games of all types on the console. Over the years, they have created many new versions so that it expands upon what it can already do now. It is now one of the most popular consoles to own, next to the Xbox.
  • DVDs

    It was created in 1995.
    It doesn't give a true inventor, but it was developed by companies like Sony and Philips. Kees Schouhamer Immink was given an award for his contribution to the creation of the DVD.
    Digital video discs, otherwise known as DVDs, is a donut shaped item that stores movies, music, and other types of data. Most times they are used to store movies and tv shows which people buy to enjoy with their movie player.
  • Google

    It was invented in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin.
    Google is a search engine service where we can basically look up anything through its search engine and get many different results. It helps us with homework, online shopping, and/or business work.