Technology Timeline

  • 2700 BCE


    There are many benefits of an abacus, one of them being the simplicity of its use. The first abacus used was a Sumerian abacus which was first used in Sumer in modern day Iraq
  • Jan 1, 1440

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    Johannes Gutenberg discovered the printing press between 1440 and 1450.
  • First Chalkboards

    First Chalkboards
    The first chalkboards were invented just after 1800. It was mainly a tool used by teachers. It was one of the first tools given too them that they could use to share information with the class.
  • Educational Radio

    Educational Radio
    The advantages of an educational radio is that it gives an 'education' to children who live in rural areas where there are no schools. A disadvantage is that there isn't contact with a teacher so no questions or clarifications can be asked for
  • Educational Film

    Educational Film
    After the inventions of several motion picture cameras in the 19th century, Filmstrips and educational films were invented in 1925 and were a popular use in schools until the 1980s
  • The Internet

    The Internet
    In 1990 a computer scientist, Tim Bernes-Lee invented the worldwide web.
  • Interactive Whiteboard

    Interactive Whiteboard
    In 1990 the first interactive whiteboards were developed by Xerox Parc. They were seen to be a great advance in educational technology.
  • Smartphones & Tablets

    Smartphones & Tablets
    From 2007, companies like apple started to make smartphones and tablets which have apps that encourage interactive learning. The IPad came out in 2010
  • The Present

    The Present
    In the present day there are plenty of technologies that assist with Education. Schools have laptops, computers, tablets and interactive whiteboards. Children can learn at home with educational T.V programmes and tablet apps
  • The Invention of Paper

    The Invention of Paper
    Paper was invented in around 105 AD in China. It was invented by Ts'ai Lun. It took another a while before the paper phenomenon moved to other countries. Paper-making reached India in about 400AD.