Technology History Project

By jav.i
  • The Zuse Z3 Computer

    The Zuse Z3 Computer
    Konrad Zuse built an early version of a computer and it was concidered the first computer to most people
  • SEAC

    sourceThe NBScreated the SEAC the first computer to use only diode logic this was more effective than vaccum tubes.

    The FORTRAN computer language is made witch is a new way to talk to computers.
  • PDP-1

    sourceThis is the first mini coomputer ever built. There were only fifty made.
  • MINI computer

    MINI computer
    sourceDigital Equipment corp. sold the first succesful mini computer to the public. This computer was called the PDP-8

    SOURCEThe US Department of Defense created the first network for millitary purposses. The TCP/IP protocol crreated and we still use this protocol today
  • Floppy Disk

    Floppy Disk
    sourceAlan Shugart invents the floppy disk. the floppy disk lets computers share info.
  • PONG

    sourceAtari made their firsst game in 1972 named ong this was just a simple game but it would chane the company forever.
  • Apple Computer

    Apple Computer
    sourceSteve jobs and Steve Wozinak make the first single circut board computer.

    sourceAtari temptest is a very colorful game wich was very innovative for gaming and it hadd a large success
  • First Apple Phone

    First Apple Phone
    sourceThe apple phone was originally maddde in 1983 and it wa very innovative at the time. It came with a touchscreen part and the actual phone.

    sourceAdobe photoshop was released in 1998 creating a very big effect in the technological world.
  • Wi-Fi

    The internet users of the world stop using cables to connect to the internet. The term WiFi is now common.
  • XBOX

    sourceThe first XBOX was introduced changing the world of gaming permanently.
  • xbox one

    xbox one
    sourceThe xbox one is a newer console that has shown new innovations in a game and it has many few features.
  • i phone 6

    i phone 6
    sourceThe newest i phone was innovative with it's upgrade on siri and its newer apps and camera.