Technology at Home

By Dekine
  • Rotary Phone

    Almon Brown developed the telephone that could be connected directly to another telephone using a dial. As a child, this was one of my favorite things to play with in my grandparents' house.
  • Tupperware

    Despite their current success, Tupperware containers did not sell well when they first entered stores. People started having Tupperware parties and the buzz increased sales.
  • Stereophonic phonographs

    Stereophonic phonographs
    Along with records, a new sound is brought into the home. My parents often played their music on one of these. The sound was so different. Photo:
  • VCR

    The VCR made its debut in 1977. VHS decks originally required a separate deck for rewinding and fast forwarding. I am still a fan of VHS tapes (and own a few).
  • Apple II

    This was the first fully assembled computer. It was very basic.
  • Sony Walkman

    Sony Walkman
    Before cds, this invention was the source of all things cool. To have a Sony Walkman was a must growing up in the 90s. I miss them. Photo:
  • Compact Discs (CDs)

    Compact Discs (CDs)
    Although they were created in the 1970s, they did not appear in stores until 1983. For most of my life, CDs have been the primary source of music. Photo:
  • World Wide Web

    In 1994 many began using the World Wide Web, leading to the use of the internet as we know it today.