Tech Topics

By stbyrd
  • Birth of Martin Cooper

    Birth of Martin Cooper
    Martin cooper is born
  • Martin cooper+motorola

    Martin cooper+motorola
    Martin Cooper joins and starts making things for motorola

    Advanced Research Projects Agency Creates own network.
  • "Minicomputer" Made

    "Minicomputer" Made
    DEC unveils the PDP-8, the first commercially successful minicomputer
  • First "Internet Synced Satilite"

    First "Internet Synced Satilite"
    First satilite sent to space that is linked with the WWW
  • Connection to SRI

    Connection to SRI
    The successful Connection to SRI
  • Cell Phone

    Cell Phone
    Martin Cooper makes first public cell phone call.

    Motorola makes cell phone available for the public (16 oz.)
  • Cellular payphone

    Cellular payphone
    Martin makes cellular payphone also know as the "jitterbug.
  • World Wide Web-Created

    World Wide Web-Created
    Tim Created HTML and HTTP and is credied with creating the World Wide World.
  • Antenna

    First antenna put on cell phone for long distance
  • smart phone

    smart phone
    First smart phone.
  • Term "web 2.0" recognized

    Term "web 2.0" recognized
    People were just starting to speak about the up and coming web 2.0
  • (Tech Innovations) photography

    (Tech Innovations) photography
    Digital photography revolutionized how people viewed the world out of their reach.
  • (Tech Innovations) Barometer

    (Tech Innovations) Barometer
    Barometer used in science and is the kind that most weather services use today.
  • (tech innovations) GPS

    (tech innovations) GPS
    Gps was made in the year 2000 and is now commonly used and it was still made in my lifetime
  • Government sees

    Government sees
    The government strarts to realize the large scale of the "cloud computing"
  • (tech innovations) Texting

    (tech innovations) Texting
    Texting idea was founded by AT&T and Wasn't very popular by the older generation
  • Amazon Mechanical Turk

    Amazon Mechanical Turk
    Storage for any kinds of intelligence made
  • (tech innovations) Social network

    (tech innovations) Social network
    First social network with more than 1,000,000 user was created and people did not yet realize the effect it would have on peoples lives
  • Unix/Lunix

    These operating systems are less for commercial use. They are still very benificial to the smaller buisnesses.
  • Web 2.0

    Web 2.0
    Web 2.0
  • Media Sites

    Media Sites
    Media sites such as facebook and twitter took off after web 2.0 was released
  • (Tech Innovations) File Sharing

    (Tech Innovations) File Sharing
    Different people have started creating different programs to help connect businesses and people to work togeather
  • (Tech Innovations) Videos

    (Tech Innovations) Videos
    Most video internet sites were created this year. Youtube just happened to be the on that became popular.
  • (Tech Innovations) Google Goes public!

    (Tech Innovations) Google Goes public!
    Google, The expansive search engine goes oupblic for the world for the first time.
  • App Benifits

    App Benifits
    Purchase CD, DVD, or download software to install on computer
  • Microsoft Publisher

    Microsoft Publisher
    Microsoft Publisher made
  • Iphone

    The first Iphnoe is released
  • Apple app store

    Apple app store
    Apple sets the woorld of applications in progress wtih their app store
  • OSX

    The apple (mac) computers start using the OSX platform/operating system
  • Microsoft word

    Microsoft word
    Word documents
  • Excell

  • (Tech Innovations) Windfarm

    (Tech Innovations) Windfarm
    The idea of natural resource gathering struck home with the invention of the wind farm. Giant propellars that power a tubine and add power to the grid.
  • iOS

    As a derogative from apples OSX devices, this is iOS. The mobile version.
  • Google Apps

    Google Apps
    Google launches the famous google apps
  • Income/Profits were shown as oppertunity

    Income/Profits were shown as oppertunity
    revenue for cloud services was just over $58.6 billion
  • Windows 7

    Windows 7
    Microsoft comes out with their operating system for computers
  • Amazon updates

    Amazon updates
    Amazon updates/modernized their data frame to redesign the original thoughts about cloud computing
  • Chrome web store

    Chrome web store
    Appy installed into a web browser originates from the chrome store.
  • Amazon Launched Cloud

    Amazon Launched Cloud
    First commercial web service that you can rent computers to run your own applications.
  • (Tech Innovations) Nintendo wii

    (Tech Innovations) Nintendo wii
    The original game console Wii is introduced and makes hundreds of other companies want to make their own.
  • (Tech Innovations) Smart phone

    (Tech Innovations) Smart phone
    Apple, introducing the iphone, Finally starts the long wait for the smartphone frenzy. Now virtually every phone company has smart phones on shelves at all times.
  • Google play

    Google play
    Android comes out with their version of apples app store
  • Applications

    Program installed in the operating system or a browser (chrome) that solves a problem, completes training, entertainment, productivity or performs a certain task.
  • Android

    The google store launches the android operating system and it is mobile and desktop
  • Windows moblie

    Windows moblie
    Microsoft Mobile Operating System Installed on mobile devices made by many different manufacturers
  • Microsoft Powerpoint

    Microsoft Powerpoint
    Microsoft Powerpoint made
  • Outlook

    Microsoft email