Taris Dunn-Timeline

  • Period: to

    Art. History.

  • Enlightenment

    John Locke- Believed that all individuals were born with Natural rights. Thomas Jefferson uses John Lockes ideas of natural rights when he creates the Declaration of Independence.
  • Revolutionary War

    The Americans responded formally by declaring their independence as a new nation, which is the United States of America. They claimed sovereignty and denied any allegiance with the British monarchy. In 1777, the Continentals captured a British army that resulted France to enter the war on the side of the Americans. In early 1778, the military had strengthened with Britain. Over the next two years, Spain and the Dutch Republic also went to war with Britain as French allies.
  • Neoclassical Artist

    Sante Cattaneo and Franz Caucig were artist from the neoclassical period
  • Sante Cattaneo

    (1739-1819) Also known as Santino. He was an Itilian painter. His parents left him to live with his aunt from the ages 3 to 13. (Ten Years) Then he moved with his mother in Brescia. He settled at Brescia in 1773 -1810 became an art teacher in the art academy of that city. He died in Brescia.
  • Franz Caucig

    4 December 1755 – 17 November 1828 Caucig was born in Gorizia. From 1791 to 1797, he resided at Venice, where he was in 1796 named a member of the committee of the Academy. He returned to Vienna in 1797, and in 1799 became the professor of drawing at the Vienna Academy.
  • Neoclasical Period

    The term Neoclassicism refers to the classical revival in European art, architecture, and interior design that lasted from the mid-eighteenth to the early nineteenth century. The rise of Neoclassical Art was part of a general revival of interest in classical thought, which was of some importance in the American and French revolutions.
  • Impression Art

    Claude Monet was an impressionism artist he was born November 14th 1804 in Paris, France. Camille Doncieux was his wife. He had 2 kids Jean Monet & Michel Monet. He died December 5th 1926
  • Egyptian Rvolutin

    The people of Egypt started to protest on Tuesday January 25th. They were inspired by the Tunisia revolution. The Egyptian government responded to this protesting by blocking Twitter, which was being used by organizers to cordinate protest. But by blocking Twitter the gov't only angered the Egyptian citizens. It brought world wide attention to this uprising. While the citizens continued to stay angered by the governments disisions the government went ahead and blocked Facebook, I cant type more
  • Libyan Revolution

    Lybia had it's first free election since the country gained a dictator. Lybia and It's people and dictators were involved with this revolution. The Libyan revolution, also referred to as the Libyan civial war was an weapon infested problem in state of Libya, fought between from Colonel Muammar Gaddafi and the people wanting to overthrow their government.