syria dates

By njk4231
  • Nov 8, 1516

    The Ottomans added Syria to their empire.

    The Ottomans added Syria to their empire.
    The Ottomans added Syria to their empire.
  • revolting against ottoman

    revolting against ottoman
    Syrians and other Arabs revolted against Ottoman rule during World War I.
  • ending ottoman rule

    ending ottoman rule
    October - Arab troops led by Emir Feisal, and supported by British forces, capture Damascus, ending 400 years of Ottoman rule.
  • France occupied Syria under a League of Nations order

    France occupied Syria under a League of Nations order
    France occupied Syria under a League of Nations order
  • independance

    The period between the outbreak of World War I in 1914 and the granting of France’s mandate over Syria by the League of Nations in 1922 was marked by a complicated sequence of events during which Syrians achieved a brief period of independence (1919– 20).
  • ending the french mandate

    ending the french mandate
    British and Free French troops occupy Syria. General De Gaulle promises to end the French mandate.
  • mortar fire on turkey

    mortar fire on turkey
    Syria-Turkish tension rises when Syrian mortar fire on a Turkish border town kills five civilians. Turkey returns fire and intercepts a Syrian plane allegedly carrying arms from Russia. Both countries ban each other's planes from their air space.
  • Last French troops leave Syria

     Last French troops leave Syria
    Last French troops leave Syria
  • emrgency law of Syria

    emrgency law of Syria
    Syria was under an Emergency Law since 1962, effectively suspending most constitutional protections for citizens. Its President Hafez al-Assad led Syria for nearly 30 years, banning any opposing political party and any opposition candidate in any election.
  • war with israel

    war with israel
    Syria and Egypt led an Arab war with Israel. Cease-fires ended the fighting.