
Sylvia Plath

  • Birth

    Sylvia Plath was born on october 27 1932 in Boston, Massachusets
  • First Poem

    First Poem
    Plath published her first poem at age eight. She was a very gifted and troubled poet.
  • Education

    Plath won a scholorship to smith college in 1950. She also spent time in new york as a student in 1953, while she was there she worked for Mademoiselle magazine as a guest editor. She fineshd her degree in 1955. She graduated with highest honors.
  • Attempt at suicide

    Attempt at suicide
    soon after Sylva started working for Mademoiselle magazine. she had an attempt at suicide. She toook some sleaping pills and went and hid. She was missing for two days untill she started throwing up the pills and started making moaning noises agenst the concrete,
  • marriage

    Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes got married in 1956, they had a rough marriage that ended with an affair.
  • Robert Lowell

    Robert Lowell
    Sylvia spent time studying with Robert Lowell in 1957
  • Death

    On this day Sylvia Plath comitted suicide.
  • Won Prize

    Won Prize
    she won the Pulitzer Prize for collected poems in 1982