Sylvia Earle

  • Birth date

    Sylvia Earle was born August 30th, 1935 in Gibbstown NJ.
  • House moving

    When Sylvia was twelve, she moved to Dunedin Flordia where the Golf of Mexico was in her back yard. She swam and snorkled in her backyard.
  • Water

    When Sylvia was young, She had to pratically had to be pried out of water.
  • Summer Course

    When Sylvia was 17, she enrolled in a summer marine course taught by Dr.Harold.
  • Scuba Gear

    Scuba Gear
    When Sylvia was 18. she learned how to use scuba gear properly.
  • Graduate Progams.

    In 1955, Sylvia applied to and was accepted in sevral prestigious graduate progams.
  • Underwater

    In 1970 Sylvia lived underwater for two weeks.
  • "Jim Suit"

    "Jim Suit"
    In 1979 Sylvia donned a heavy plastic and metal "Jim Suit"
  • Deep Ocean

    Deep Ocean
    she formed two companies, Deep Ocean Technology and Deep Ocean Energy in 1881
  • School

    Sylvia was a student at California Academy of Science in San Fransisco from 1979-1986
  • President

    In 1990 President George Bush chose Earle to be the cheif scientist of National Ocean and Atmosphere Administration (NOAA)