Sydney Harbour Bridge Construction

  • Construction Starts

    Construction Starts
    This was the start of the construction of the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
  • The Arches and Creeper Cranes Started Being Built

    The Arches and Creeper Cranes Started Being Built
    The arch of the bridge began being built on both ends. A creeper crane was built on each end
  • Both Ends Touched For The First Time

    Both Ends Touched For The First Time
    The two halves touched for the first time, the top and bottom cords were riveted together and the arch now supported itself.
  • The Deck

    The Deck
    The deck was placed under the arch. This would be where the roads and railways were to be built. The creeper cranes were dismantled afterwards.
  • The Pylons Were Finished

    The Pylons Were Finished
    The last piece of granite was added to the north-west pylon.
  • The Bridge was Tested For Safety

    The Bridge was Tested For Safety
    All four of the rail tracks were loaded with up to 96 steam locomotives placed end to end. After three weeks of tests the Bridge was declared to be safe for traffic and was ready to be opened.
  • Opening Of The Bridge

    Opening Of The Bridge
    The Sydney Harbour Bridge was opened. This was a momentous occasion, drawing huge crowds. The NSW Premier, John Lang, officially declared the Bridge open.