[SWE] History of the Senate

  • SWE is formed

    SWE is formed
    -“National Organization” created at Camp Green
    -Loosely connecting “sections” women engineers and engineer students
    -BOD is created with 5 officers, 3 directors at large, and 1 director from each section
    -Predecessor of both today’s BOD and Senate
  • EC and CSR Structure Created

    -The BOD had grown too large due to the number of sections and 8 student sections had not representation
    BOD is dissolved in favor of bicameral (2 house) governing structure
    -Executive Committee (EC) – Executive and Administrative arm of the Society
    4 Officers and 5 Additional Voting Members
    -Council of Section Representatives (CSR) – Legislative arm
    --1 Meeting per year at convention (1st 1959)
    --Students could attend meeting but no vote
    --1 MAL appointed by the President
  • Collegiate Voice Added

    -CSR approved student representation on the CSR
    -Students were organized in 4 “Regions” I, II, III, IV
    -Students 1st voted in 1976
  • Additional MAL Representation

    -Voted to increase the number of MAL Representatives from 1 to 2
  • Early Talk of Restructure

    -In the fall of FY81 Long Range Planning Committee recommended hiring an Executive Director, expanding Staff, and moving to a Region Structure
    -In June 1981 at Convention EC and CSR discussed regionalization and referred it back to Long Range Planning
    -The plan was worked for 2 years before being presented to the CSR in 1983
  • Larger Collegiate Voice

    -1982 Increased to 6 Collegiates with 2 new “Regions”
  • Options/Vote for CSR

    -7 Region Structure that the CSR amended to 10 Region Structure of today with 1 minor change
    -Collegiate Regions to be realigned to match professional Regions
    -Majority Proposal for Restructure
    --21 Member BOD
    ---5 Officers, 14 Directors (10 region directors, 2 at large, 2 student), past president, and executive director
    --Region Councils Replace CSR
    ---Bylaws and due changes handled at region level
    -Minority Proposal for Restructure
    --Move to regions without EC or CSR changes
  • Regionalization and Debate of Council Role

    -1984 CSR meeting more improvements made to both plans and EC feedback added
    -Ultimately in FY85 by mail ballot voted to:
    --Establish 10 Regions
    --Move from EC to BOD
    --Add Region Directors to the BOD
    --Leave the CSR intact
    --Create Region Councils
    --Move Professional Sections to Proportional Representation
    ---1 vote per 100 up to 4
  • MAL Representation Changes

    -CSR amended by-laws to have regional MAL Representation
    --Before this CSR was capped at 4 MAL Representatives elected MAL wide.
    --Region by-laws required region MALs, but not all region MALs were on CSR and not all MAL CSRs were served on region councils
  • CSR Transition Team Forms

    -Motion is passed at CSR meeting to create a task force to examine the future role of the council
  • CSR name change to COR

    -Voted to change name to Council of Representatives (COR)
    --Name was more inclusive of collegiates and MALs
  • Bylaws change and reorganization

    -At FY04 Meeting COR voted to change role from chief policy making body to a more strategic body
    -Now COR to develop and adopt the long range goals for the Society
    -Retained ability to set dues and approve bylaws changes
    -Created Speaker and Deputy Speaker Roles
  • Region get collegiate 2nd vote for >1000 collegians

    -Based on idea from FY07 RCRs, FY08 RCRs proposed increasing collegiate representation from 1 per region to 1 per 1,000 collegiates not to exceed 2.
    -FY08 COR approved motion and in FY09 14 RCRs
  • International Members added

    -International Members gained representation on COR
  • Vote to change from COR to Senate

    -The Governance FIG began exploring the role of the COR moving forward in ~2006
    -The Mega issue at the 2007 conference was the structure and role of the COR moving forward.
    -Coming out of the COR meeting in FY08 the GFIG was tasked with proposing a new structure for COR
    --Focusing on how to make the group more effective
  • FY10 Senate

    FY10 Senate
    The FY10 Senate was the first group of Senators to take on the new role.
  • Removal of Alternates

    In FY13, the senate voted to remove the alternate role except for international senators.
  • New SWE Logo

    New SWE Logo
    A special projects committee was formed and agreed with the BOD on moving forward with a special project on branding. The senate voted on the new logo and other branding campaigns in FY15.
  • Electronic Bylaws Voting

    The senate passed an amendment to allow for electronic voting on bylaws changes. This change has stricter requirements for how an item will pass or not.
  • Governance Changes Approved

    The Senate approved motions granting collegiate members full voting rights, dissolving U.S. geographical regions, and establishing the five standing committees: audit, bylaws, ethics, finance, and nominating to conduct the business of the Society.