Saint theresa of avila

St.Teresa of Avila

  • Apr 16, 1507

    Family Life

    Family Life
    Teresa was born of a saintly and well-educated father. 505 Teresa’s Father Alonso married Catalina del Peso, who bore him two children and died 2 years later, in 1507. Two years after his wife Catalina was gone, Alonso married the 15-year-old Beatriz de Ahumada of whom Teresa was born. In 1528, when Teresa was 15, her mother died, leaving behind 10 children.
  • Mar 28, 1515

    Date and Place of Birth

    Date and Place of Birth
    St.Theresa was Born in Avila, Spain, on March 28, 1515
  • Feb 26, 1535

    Where and What she studied

    Where and What she studied
    Teresa was sent to the Augustinian nuns at Avila however left at 18 months as she was ill. In 1535, she entered the Carmelite Convent of the Incarnation at Avila and was studying to become a nun (140 nuns). She studied and read the letters of St. Jerome. This was when St.Teresa was determined to enter a very religious life with God. Later on she tried to renew the reformation of the convent and did her best to accomplish and gain support.
  • Nov 2, 1535

    Work Achievements

    Work Achievements
    On November 2nd 1535, she entered the Carmelite Monastery of the Incarnation at Avila. Teresa received permission from Rome to establish a reformed convent (it happened in 1562), the Reformer of the Carmelite order 16th Century.
  • May 27, 1554

    Controversies she was involved in

    Controversies she was involved in
    There came a time in her life where she was suffering from pain, this pain continued to increase over the years. She succeeded by receiving permission from Rome to create a reformed convent, however she struggled along the way as her efforts of reforming had people against her decision and others misunderstanding. She moved away from God as she wanted the hour of prayer to be over . She renewed her faith once she began to pray again , and attached herself with God in life and prayer.
  • Oct 4, 1582

    Date and Cause of Death

    Date and Cause of Death
    St Teresa died on October 4th, 1582, due to her very poor health (natural causes) .
  • When was she canonized

    When was she canonized
    St Teresa died on October 4th 1582 due to her very poor health, which caused her to suffer, allot.