steps to war

By mht4688
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The stamp act was a law that was passed by parlimant that placed taxs on printed materials such as legal documents newspapper and playing cards.
    the colinest thought it was unfair becuse they did not saying goverment. battel cry no taxation without repersentaion
  • Sons of Liberty

    Sons of Liberty
    The sons of liberty were a group to protest were created by samule adams .The sons of liberty protested and threatend stamp agents they also made a puppet of a stamp agent and hung it from a treeto scare them and it worked no one would sell the stamps
  • Daughters of Liberty

    Daughters of Liberty
    Mercy Otis Warren a writter infloenced people to stop buying british products and tea this hurt british bussness. Later british sent ships to boston harber. The daughters of liberty would make tea wool and goods. This hurt the british bussiniss and thats why british came to the harber and made taxes
  • Boston massacre

    Boston massacre
    March fith 1770 British solgiers are in boston many people are throwing clam shells snow balls and rocks at the solgiers colinist make them get into a panic and the solgiers shot 5 people and killing them all.The solgiers go to court for murder and are found not gultie they were defended by john adams but two still go to jail for starting the shoot out
  • townshend act

    townshend act
    Britin saw that they werent getting money from the tea act so they removed the law in 1766 they made a new law to show they still had control over the colinist this put taxes on imported goods, papper, wool and tea.The townshend act made many more protest and boycotted more stuff
  • comitees of corspndence

    comitees of corspndence
    This was the act when the British relized the tax laws were hurting them so they removed all taxes but the tea people still did'nt buy tea. Samule Adams made the comitees of corsponence they were soon formed in every town they talked and opend the exspress ride
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    In 1773 people began to talk about the tea act a new law passed by parliament this law made colinrys mad and pay the east india company evan store owners and still a
    had to pay taxs. On december 1773 the sons of liberty went and shoted the boston harber a teapot tonight they dressed as mohawks and dumped 90,000$ worth of tea this was known as the boston tea party
  • intolerble act

    intolerble act
    The intolerable acts were to punish boston for the tea party this made boston do many things like they had to feed and house the british soldiers.And no ships could leave the port and under control by a british genaral named thomas gage. this hurt boston becuase they did a lot of trading and now can't
  • continental congress

    continental congress
    In september 1774 the first continental congress in philadephia .Every colony came but Georgia George washington repersented for virgina.he said he would fight aginst british if he had to.Colonys all over began to make militilas and some called them minitmen because they were redey in a minite