German invasion.

Steps to Perecuting the Jews

  • First offical boycott

    First offical boycott
    Germans boycotting jewish shops, lawyers, and doctors.. For many jews this was like wasting 8 years of their life becasue now they couldn't get lots of patients due to hitler, Later on hitler makes it illegal for them to practice law and medicine.
  • Period: to

    Persacuting the Jewish people

  • Forbade Germans from marrying Jews

    Forbade Germans from marrying Jews
    Lot's of Jewish people were upset over this because they were'nt allowd to marry their lovers. Hitler did this because he didn't want the jewish race to mix with the aryan's.
  • Forced Jews to give/sell their business

    Forced Jews to give/sell their business
  • Destruction of Munich Synagague

    Destruction of Munich Synagague
    Munich synagague was the first to feel the rath of hitlers tanks after they shelled it to the ground, other synagague attacking were happening after this one. People thought of this as a sign of germany taking a turn for the wors for the Jewish people.
  • Crystal Night

    Crystal Night
    A Jewish man murdered a Nazi offical soon after finding out his family had been deported to the concentration camps. This sparked Nazi hate against the jews even more, more than 20,000 Jews were imprisoned.
  • Jewish pupils expelled from schools

    All Jews were expelled and forbidden to go to german schools.
  • Jewish Slave Labor

    Jewish Slave Labor
    Jews would now be sent to concentration camps and put to work. At this time the jews were not being murdered by the thousands. Al though most Jews tried to hide their identity by using fake ID's.
  • Evacuation of Jews in German Territories

  • Forced to wear the Star of David

  • Mass Gassing's

    Killing the Jews in gas chambers
  • All European Jews wil be Destroyed

    Kill all the Jews
  • Liberated!

    Auschwitz Concentration camp has been liberated by the Russian troops!