Stellaluna / Michelle Nguyen

  • Exposition

    Stelluluna is the main character of this story. Stelluna's mother, Stellaluna's bat family, and her bird friends were the other characters.The story takes place in a warm forest and a bird's nest.
    Stellaluna is forbidden to act like a bat in the bird's nest and her mother is gone.This is Stellaluna's conflict.
  • Rising Action

    Rising Action
    Stellaluna was a bat and she had no one around that was like her.Stellaluna's mother was gone and now she has only her bird friends.She is lonely and she has no family.
  • Climax

    Stellaluna stops being her true self. She starts to eat bugs and sleep at night. She has stop being her self.
  • Falling Action

    Falling Action
    Stellaluna flys away from the bird nest to show her true potential. She promised to fly and never stop. She was tired but still had bird instincts. So she hung on a tree by using her thumbs.
  • Resoulution

    Stellaluna finds lots of bat friends and discovers that her mother is alive. She starts to be who she truely is. Stellaluna Got more friends and family just like her.