Stellaluna-Ferren Brooks

  • Exposition

    The characters of the story are Stellaluna, the three birds,and Stellaluna's mom.The setting mostly takes place in the beautiful forest where Stellaluna was born.The main conflict was when Stellaluna got separated from her mother in the beginning and adapted with the birds.
  • Rising Action

    Rising Action
    The rising action is when Stellaluna drops into the baby birds' nest and she adapts to bird conditions.She grows up with the birds as she gets a bit older.
  • Climax

    The climax is when Stellaluna learns how to fly with the birds.She learns that bats and birds have in common is in flying.She is so intrested in flying that she flys away in the dusk,leaving her bird family behind.
  • Falling Action

    Falling Action
    The falling action is when Stellaluna gets tired and sleeps on the branch of a tree.While sleeping,a crowd of bats fly in and talk to Stellaluna in a short confusing talk .Stellaluna's mother is one of the bats in the crowd.Then mother and daughter unite as a family.
  • Resolution

    The next day,she goes back to the birds and wait until night to fly in the dark.They lose control together because the birds can't fly in the night.They notice this is one thing they don't have in common.But as long as they're together,everything is the same.