Stellalnuna - Angela Vazquez

  • Exposition

    The charecters in the story are Stellaluna and her mother. The setting in the story is the woods and a bird nest. Last but not least is the main conflict. It is that Sellaluna mother drops her to the woods.
  • Rising Action

    Rising Action
    The rising action is when Stellaluna falls into a nest with three baby birds. Then the birds started askinfg her question.while the birds were asking her questions the mama bird gets there to give her baby birds food. The bat didn't want to eat untill she was starving to death.
  • Cimax

    once the birds and the bat were old enough the mama teached them how to fly. Then the bat runs away until he can not fly anymore and sleeps on a branch with her thumbs.Suddenly some bats come up to her and ask her why she is slepping backwords.
  • Falling Action

    Falling Action
    After a long conversation about sleeping, come a lady bat and asked Stellaluna id she survived an owl attack and how she survived the attack.the lady bat stoped talking for a while and started thinking.
  • Solution

    After the lady bat was thinking for a while, she new it that that was her daughter. She new that she was alive. Next Stellalunas mother was teaching Stellaluna how to be a real bat. Finally, she went with her bird freinds and teached them how to be a bat.