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Stanley's Time Line.

  • America Interest in Cuba

    America Interest in Cuba
    America wanted cuba, or had interest in cuba, which lies only 90 miles south from flordia. In 1854, diplomats recommened to president Franklin Pierce. That the US took Cuba from Spain.
  • Drilling for Oil

    Drilling for Oil
    It wasnt until 1859, however, when Edwin L. Drake succesfully used a steam engine to drill for oil near thuruscille, Pennsylvania, that removing oil from beneath the earth's surface became practical. this beak hrough started an oil boom that spread to Kentucky.
  • Mary Harris Jones.

    Mary Harris Jones.
    Although women were barred from many unions, they united behind powerful leaders to demands better working conditions, equal pay for equal work, and the end to child labor. Perhaps the most prominent organizer in the women's labor movement was Mary Harris Jones. Jones supports the Great Strike of 1877 and later organized for the United Mine Workers of America. (UMW).
  • George M. Pullman

    George M. Pullman
    The railroads helped cities not only grow up but branch out. In 1880, for example George M. Pullman built a factory for manufacturing sleepers and other railroad cars on the Illinois prairie. The nearby town that Pullman built for his employees followed in part the models of the earlier industrial experiments in Europe.
  • Railroads.

    The railroads brought the dreams available land, adventure, and fresh start within the grasp of many americans. This Romance was made possible, however only by the harsh lives of railroad workers. Central Pacific Railroad emplayed thousands of chinese imagrants. In 1888, when the first railroad statistics were published. More then 2,000 employees killed and 20,000 injured.
  • Period: to


  • The U.S.S Maine Explodes

    The U.S.S Maine Explodes
    President McKinley had ordered the U.S.S Maine to Cuba to bring home American citizens in danger from the fighting and to protect American property. On Febuary 15, 1898, the ship blew up in the harbor of Havana. More than 260 men were killed.
  • Rough Riders

    Rough Riders
    America's Force landed in Cuba in June 1898. The Army of 17,000 included African-Americans regiments of the regular army and the Rough Rider, A volunteer cavalry under the command of Leonard Wood and Theodore Roosevelt.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The US and Spain sighed an armitice, a cease-five agreements on august 12, ending what secretary of state John Hay called "A splended little war". the actual fighting in the war lasted 15 weeks. On December 10, 1898 the US & Spain ment in Paris to agree on the treaty.
  • Alliance System

    Alliance System
    All these nations held the international power/inbalance. If one country disturbed another then your country would jump in and there would be war. Two major defence allies. Allies, were France, Britian, and Russia. The other power was Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.
  • An Assassination Leads To War

    An Assassination Leads To War
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand was shot. Then Germany and Italy were brung into the war because they were Alliances. One nation after another went to war. Germany, fought with Austria-Hungary agaisnt Russia . Germany declared war with Russia. Germany went to war with France who was a ally of Russia.
  • The Unites States Declared War

    The Unites States Declared War
    Wilson tried many times to bring the warring parties together. Each side was too afraid of "losing face". Zimmerman Note was found which said Germany would support Mexico in recovering lost terriotory from Texas. United States went war to make the world "safe for democracy".
  • The Nazis Take Over Germany

    The Nazis Take Over Germany
    In Germany, Adolf Hitler had followed a path to power similar to Mussolini's. At the end of WWl, Hitler had become a jobless soldier drifting around Germany. In 1919, he joined a struggling group called the National Socialist German Workers' Party, better known as the Nazi Party. Despite its name, this party has no ties to socialism.
  • Herbert Hoover Becomes President

    Herbert Hoover Becomes President
    Hoover was mining engineer from Iowa who had never run for public office. Hoover has one major advantage: he could point to years of prosperity under Republican administration since 1920. Many believed him when he declared, "we in America are nearer to the final triumph over poverty than ever before. It was a very over whelming victory for Hoover.
  • The Stock Market Crashes

    The Stock Market Crashes
    In early Sep. 1929, stock prices peaked and then fell. Some investors quickly sold their stocks and pulled out. On Oct. 24, the market took a plunge. But the worst was yet to come.
  • The Dust Bowl

    The Dust Bowl
    The drought that began in the early 1930s wreaked havoc on the Great Plains. One wind storm in 1934 picked up millions of tons of dust from the plains and carried it to East Coast cities. The regions that were hit the hardest, including parts of Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado, came to be known as the Dust Bowl.
  • Hitlers Final Solution

    Hitlers Final Solution
    By 1939 only about a quarter million Jews remained in Germany. But other nations that Hitler occupied has millions more. Obsessed with a desire to rid Europe of its Jews, Hitler imposed what he called the "Final Solution"-a policy of genoside, the delierate and sustematic lilling of an entire population.
  • Blitzkrieg In Poland

    Blitzkrieg In Poland
    As day broke on Sep. 1, 1939, the German Luftwaffe, or German air force, roared over Poland, raining bombs on military bases, airfields, railroads, and cities. At the same time, German tanks raced across the Polish countryside, spreading terror and confusion. The invasion was the first test of Germany's newest military strategy, Blitzkrieg, or lighting war.
  • The Attack On Pearl Harbor

    The Attack On Pearl Harbor
    Japanese dive-bomber swooped low over Pearl Harbor- The largest U.S. naval base in the pacific. The bomber was followed by more than 180 Japanese warplanes lauched from six aircraft carriers. As the first Japanese bombs founds their targets, a radio operator flashed this message: "Air raid in Pearl Harbor. This is not a drill."