Racial Bias in the American culture/legal system

  • Martin Luther King- Civil Rights Movement

    Martin Luther King- Civil Rights Movement
    African-Americans fight for their basic rights.
  • JFK-Affirmative Action

    JFK-Affirmative Action
    Blacks start to get the right to vote-no segregation.
  • Anti-rape Movement

    Anti-rape Movement
    The anti-rape movement began in New York, 1971 by women breaking the silence on the issues of rape.
  • The first "take back the night" march was organised in Philadelphia in 1975.

    The first "take back the night" march was organised in Philadelphia in 1975.
    In this year, 5,000 women from 30 states gather to protest violence and sexual violence against women. In 1978, marchers in San Francisco used “Take Back the Night” as their slogan during a protest against pornography. A huge march followed sometime in 1979 in New York.
  • 1976-1980 Women Confront Race

    1976-1980 Women Confront Race
    In 1976-1980 the number of colored and white women joining the movement to confront racism, in raping women of color, increases significantly.
  • President Reagan- Not concerned about discrimination

    President Reagan- Not concerned about discrimination
    President Reagan's era was a step back for Civil Rights. He did't believe in the anti-discrimination philosophy.
  • Rodney King

    Rodney King
    Rodney King, a black taxi driver, who was caught and beaten by white police officers after following a high-speed car chase.Four officers were charged with assault with a deadly weapon and use of excessive force. They were later acquitted of all charges.
  • Brian Banks

    Brian Banks
    A black Football player found guilty for rape and spent 6 years in jail before the 'victim' recanted her story and he was acquitted.
  • Trayvon Martin- George Zimmerman

    Trayvon Martin- George Zimmerman
    Trayvon was shot by George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch guy, who thought his bag of skittles was a gun. Zimmerman was found not guilty.
  • Ferguson Missouri

    Ferguson Missouri
    Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, was shot and killed on Aug. 9, 2014, by Darren Wilson, a white police officer, in Ferguson Missouri.
  • Brock Turner- Stanford Rape Case

    Brock Turner- Stanford Rape Case
    Brock Turner, a Stanford student and swimmer, was found guilty for raping an unconscious woman. He was sentenced for only 6 months- the average sentencing for aggravated rape is 15-25 years.
  • Barack Obama

    Barack Obama
    "Receive different sentences for the same crimes"
  • Corey Batey

    Corey Batey
    Vanderbilt University Football player, Corey Batey, sentenced to serve 15 years in prison for aggravated rape.