
Stages of pregnancy

  • Conception

    Conception is when the the sperm penetrates the egg.When this is done the genetic makeup for the fetus is already being made up and the gender of the baby has been decided.In a span of 3 days, the now fertilized egg, will move down the Fallopian tubes, into the uterus and attach itself to the uterine wall. This is also when the placenta starts to form: The placenta is a circular organ in the stomach that will in time, nourish the fetus.
  • Week 4

    Week 4
    In the forth week of pregnancy, The neck and face of the baby have almost been developed, as well as the lungs, stomach and liver. The blood vessels and heart of the fetus have also started to develop.
    Also at the stage, if a pregnancy test is taken it will show positive.
  • Week 8

    Week 8
    At this point in time, the fetus is about 1.27cm in size. The development of the fetus has progressed and now the arms and legs have developed well, as well as the fingers and toes, tip of the nose, Eye lids and ears.
  • Week 12

    Week 12
    At this point in time, the fetus is about 5 centimeters. At this time the fetus is now able to move by itself. As well as the uterus can be felt,which is above your pubic bone. At 12 weeks the doctor can now hear the heart beat of the fetus and can clearly see it's gender.
  • Week 16

    Week 16
    At week 16, the fetus is about 11.45 cm in size and about 100 g.] The fetus now has fingerprints on it's toes and fingers. The baby also has fully developed heart and blood vessels and is able to blink.
  • week 20

    week 20
    At week 20 the uterus is the same level of your belly button. The fetus is now able to suck it's thumb, stretch, yawn and make different faces. At this point you will also be able to feel the baby move. At this point doctors also take ultrasounds for the pregnant women, this can also show the gender of the fetus.
  • Week 24

    Week 24
    In week 24 the fetus is able to respond to sounds, using their pulse. Women may experience a jerking movement when the fetus hiccup.
  • Week 28

    Week 28
    At this point the fetus is able to move in the womb. This is also a good time to deliver prematurely and there would be a higher chance of survival.
  • Week 32

    Week 32
    The Fetus now weights 1.8 kg and moves around a lot more. Layers of fat have also started to form under the fetus's skin and this will contribute to the baby gaining half its birth weight between now and the birth.
  • Week 36

    Week 36
    At this pound the size and weight of the fetus will depend on genetics from the parents and its gender. Although the fetus would be around 45 cm in size and weigh 2.7 kg. The brain has now rapidly developed and lungs are almost fully developed. The baby is also abut positioned down by the pelvis at this point.
  • 37+ weeks

    37+ weeks
    At this point the fetus is considered a term.Fetus's are considered early term if born between 37-39 weeks, at term if born 39-40 weeks and considered a late term if born in the 41st-42nd week.
  • The Birth

    The Birth
    The due date of the birth is the 40th week of pregnancy, with the delivery date that can be calculated knowing the first day of the last period.Although these dates aren't always accurate. If labor hasn't occurred doctors will deliver the fetus at 42 weeks, induced labor may be needed.