
Stages of Plant Succession

  • Annuals

    During year 1-2 years, summer and winter annuals will begin to appear. Annuals complete their life cycle in one entire year, however since they produce many seeds, they can be hard to get rid of.
  • Biennials

    After another year or two, biennials will begin appearing. Biennials need two growing seasons to complete their life cycle.
  • Herbaceous Perennials

    Herbaceous Perennials
    After about four years, herbaceous perennials will begin appearing. These are plants that live indefinately and have non-woody stems.
  • Woody Perennials

    Woody Perennials
    In about 5-8 years, woody perennials will begin to appear. Woody perennials include plants such as shrubs, poisin ivy, and wild grapevine.
  • Short-lived Trees

    Short-lived Trees
    During these years short-lived trees will begin to appear. These include tree such as aspen, jack pine, and paper birch.
  • Long-lived Trees

    Long-lived Trees
    During years 15-100, hard lived trees willl begin to grow. These include trees such as oak, maple, beeech, and walnut.