SS 8 Final Project: Top 10 Most Signficant Events in SS 8

By cchen
  • 476

    Fall of Rome

    After Rome fell, Europe went into a “dark age”. During this period of time, Western Europe became scattered with numerous tribes such as the Franks. However, the Byzantine Empire, which controlled Eastern Europe, was still up and continued to invent many great things.
  • Period: Jun 12, 1028 to Sep 9, 1087

    William the Conqueror

    William the Conqueror defeated Harold Godwinson in the Battle of Hastings. He introduced the feudal system to England. This is very important because the feudal system will be used for the next 400 or so years. With the introduction of the feudal system, land became a lot more valuable. *Exact date of birth is unknown.
  • Period: Nov 27, 1095 to Jun 12, 1254

    The Crusades

    The Crusades were significant because it made the Europeans realize that there was a lot more to the world than just Europe. It increased the number of people trading, and people started shifting to a money based economy. The number of towns also increased, and with it, the issue of sanitation. In a way, it indirectly lead to the Black Death. *Exact end date is not confirmed.
  • Jun 15, 1215

    The Magna Carta

    The Magna Carta was significant because the king was forced to sign something that limited his own power. After the Magna Carta, the king could not do whatever he wanted to do. Now the barons have a say, too. This shows that the barons had more power than they did before
  • Period: May 30, 1337 to Jun 12, 1453

    100 Years War

    The 100 Years War was significant because it was during this war that the longbow is introduced. The longbow was an incredibly influential weapon because peasants could use it as well. This made knights obsolete because the peasants could be trained in a shorter time and did not need to be paid as much. *Exact end date is not confirmed.
  • Period: Jan 12, 1348 to Jun 12, 1355

    The Black Death

    During the Black Death, a lot of peasants died so the ones who survived began asking for higher wages. Also because the Black Death was over such an extended period of time, people started wondering if the Church and God were really there for them. In other words, they started to lose faith just a little. *Exact end date is not confirmed.
  • May 30, 1381

    The Peasants' Revolt

    The Peasants’ Revolt was significant because it was the first time that the peasants ever revolted. This shows that the king and the nobles are losing some of their power because the peasants wouldn’t revolt if they did not have enough power.
  • Jun 12, 1454

    The Printing Press

    The Printing Press was perhaps the most important invention. The Printing Press changed the way books were made. It made books a lot cheaper and easier to produce. This was significant because if books are cheaper, more people can afford books. When more people have books, the faster information is spread. Without the Printing Press, the
    Renaissance wouldn’t have been able to expand as quickly. *Unsure of exact date. However, I am sure of the year.
  • Jun 12, 1500


    Humanism was significant because humanists start putting an emphasis on humans and what they can achieve. During the Middle Ages, people listened to and obeyed the Church. This all changed with humanism because people started taking control of their own lives instead. *NOTE: Unfortunately, date was a required field and obviously, there was no specific date for this idea. So please disregard the date.
  • Jun 12, 1517

    Protestant Reformation

    With the Protestants’ Reformation, it became even more apparent that people are putting a bigger emphasis on political authority and less emphasis on religious authority. The Protestants’ Reformation also ends Christian Unity. What this means is that there are more choices other than just the Catholic Church. The bible also became translated to many languages and people could find out what the bible really
    was about. *Unsure of exact date. However, I am sure of the year.