Life of pi

“Spring 2013 Life of Pi 2nd Amber Jolly"

  • Pondicherry zoo

    Pondicherry zoo
    "Pondicherry entered the union of india." Pg.12
    "Before moving to Pondicherry, Father ran a hotel in Madras." Pg.13
    The beginning of Pi's life started when he moved to Pondicherry and his father ran a zoo.
  • Animal cruelty: Most dangerous animal in a zoo is man

    Animal cruelty: Most dangerous animal in a zoo is man
    "a monkey's arm broken after reaching out for proffered nuts;a deer's antlers attacked with a hacksaw;a zebra stabbed with a sword;and other assaults on other animals,with walking stcks,umbrellas,hairpins,knitting needles,scissors,and whatnot,often with an aim to taking an eye out or to injuring sexual parts."
    People would come to the Pondicherry zoo and injure animals just because they want to.
  • Juggling 3 religions??

    Juggling 3 religions??
    "But he can't be a Hindu,a Christian, AND a Muslim.It's impossible. He must choose." Pg.69
    Pi juggles 3 religions and the Priests don't approve and his parents don't believe in religion.
  • The ship sank!!

    The ship sank!!
    "The ship made a sound like a metallic burp." Pg.97
    The Tsimtsum sank and Pi and a few animals survived. Pi was left without his family and his life was ruined.
  • FISH!! FOOD!!!!

    FISH!! FOOD!!!!
    "Thank you Lord Visnu,thank you!" I shouted. "Once you saved the world by taking the form of a fish. Now you have saved ME by taking the form of a fish.Thank you,thank you!" Pg.185
    Pi was grateful for being able to catch a fish because he was hungry and he needed to feed Richard Parker.
  • Turtles!!

    "Butchering a turtle was hard work." Pg.200
    Pi was able to eat turtles but it was hard work when they were squirming everywhere! He read the survival manuel to learn how to catch them.
  • Religion on a boat.

    Religion on a boat.
    "I practised religous rituals that I adapted to the circumstances-sloitary Masses without priests or consecrated Communion hosts, darshans without murtis, and pujas with turtle meat for prasad, acts of devotion to Allah not knowing where Mecca was and getting any Arabic wrong." Pg.208
    "THIS IS GOD'S EAR!" Pg.209
    Pi encouraged himself by shouting about God and telling himself he is not alone.
  • Mom

    "On the day when I estimated it was Mother's birthday, I sang "Happy Birthday" to her out loud." Pg.209
    Pi lost his mother when the ship sank and he sang to her even though she was gone.
  • Shark Vs. Tiger!

    Shark Vs. Tiger!
    "An epic battle began. Of interest to zoologists I can report the following: a tiger will not at first attack a shark out of water with its jaws but will rather strike at it with its forepaws. R.P. started clubbing the shark." Pg.219
    R.P. attacked a shark and almost died because the shark was holding onto his paw with his teeth and would not let go.
  • Shark R.P. attacked.

    Shark R.P. attacked.
  • FECES! Pg.214 Pi ran out of food so he tried feces.

    FECES! Pg.214 Pi ran out of food so he tried feces.
    "I returned the ball to the cup and added water.I covered it and set it aside.My mouth watered as I waited.When I couldn't stand the wait any longer,I popped the ball into my mouth.I couldn't eat it.The taste was acrid,but it wasn't that.It was rather my mouth's conclusion,immediate and obvious:there's nothing to be had here.It was truly a waste matter,with no nutrients in it. I spat it out..I took the gaff and went about collecting the rest of R.P.'s feces. They went straight to the fish."
  • Depressed

    "I felt exhausted adn depressed." Pg.228
    Pi was depressed after a huge storm that made them have to hide under the tarpaulin the whole time.
  • Lightning!

    "Praise be to Allah,Lord of all worlds,the compassionate,the merciful,Ruler of judgement day!"I muttered. Pg.233
    Pi was amazed by the lightning instead of being scared of it like R.P. was.
  • Blind!

    "All I saw of the sun the next morning was a crack of light at the top of my left eye, like a small window too high up.By noon,everything was pitch-black." Pg.241
    Pi lost his vision and went blind. Later on he regained his vision when he put salt water in his eyes.