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Special education

  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act(Esca)

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act(Esca)
    Supports a variety of initiatives that assist low-income families in gaining access to high-quality education programs, as well as provisions for free and reduced lunches and more teachers in underserved areas. Finally, it pertains to youngsters who require extra assistance in order to benefit from public school education programs.https://socialwelfare.library.vcu.edu/programs/education/elementary-and-secondary-education-act-of-1965/
  • Education Amendment act

    Education Amendment act
    The EAHCA provided states with federal grants and funding to support special education programming. EACHA is the first federal program to fund state-level gifted education programs. Finally, the EAHCA provides grants and families with the right to a fair hearing in special education placement.
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    Education for All Handicapped Children Act
    EHA is notable for bringing law into the masses. It mandates that states provide a free and suitable public education to disabled children aged 5 to 18. EHA requires individualized education programs called (IEPs). Finally, EHA is defined as the environment with the fewest restrictions.
  • Americans with disabilities

    Americans with disabilities
    In the private sector, the ADA forbids discrimination against people with disabilities. It ensures that everyone has equal access to jobs, public services, lodging, transportation, and telecommunications. Finally, the ADA expands the definition of disability to include those living with AIDS.
  • Individuals with disabilities education act

    Individuals with disabilities education act
    IDEA includes social work, assistive technology, and rehabilitation programs as part of special education services. IDEA expands due process and confidentiality protections for students and parents. Autism and traumatic brain injury are two new categories added to IDEA.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    Individuals with Disabilities Education  Act
    A general teacher is required by IDEA to attend IEP meetings. IDEA mandates that governments make mediation available to parents and educators as a voluntary means of resolving conflicts. Finally, the IDEA restricts the circumstances under which attorneys can be paid.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA)

    Individuals  with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA)
    IDEIA has procedures in place to ensure that children in special education are not overrepresented in terms of race and ethnicity. To add to IDEIA, it improves special education licensure standards. Furthermore, it allows the RTI model to determine whether a kid has specific learning problems, and it no longer requires that a child's achievements and intellectual capacity be significantly different to qualify for RTI.