Space Timeline

  • First Telescopic Observation of the Night Sky

    Discovery of Jupiter's moons, lunar craters and the phases of Venus.
  • William Herschel discovers Uranus

    William Herschel discovers Uranus from Germany
  • President Abraham Lincoln sees a massive meteor across North America

    The people living in North America sees a massive meteor zoom past their continent.
  • Johann Galle spots Neptune for the first time

    Johann Galle becomes the first person to see Neptune in the night sky in Germany
  • Earth travels past the tail of Halley's comet

    Earth's people of current time see the tail of Helley's comet zoom past Earth.
  • Launch of the First Liquid-Fuelled Rocket

    NASA lift off a rocket powered by liquid-type fuel.
  • Clyde Tombaugh discovers Pluto

    Clyde Tombaugh finds biggest dwarf planet in the Solar System, Pluto in USA.
  • First German military liquid-fueled rocket engines developed

    Germany create the first liquid-fuelled rocket for the German Military.
  • First space research flight

  • First U.S.-designed rocket to reach edge of space

  • The First People on the moon

    Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin become the first people to step on the moon.
  • Alien bones rumoured to be found on Mars

    NASA sight what they think is "Alien Bones" on Mars.