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space ships

By Almer
  • first American in space

    first American in space
    The first American in space aboard the craft Mercury 3, on 5 May 1961.
  • First Space Walk

    First Space Walk
    Alexei Leonov first person to take a space walk.
  • first spacecraft pictures of Mars

    first spacecraft pictures of Mars
    The first photograph ever taken on the surface of the planet Mars. It was obtained by Viking 1
  • first spacecraft to soft-land on the Moon

    first spacecraft to soft-land on the Moon
    Luna 9 was the first spacecraft to achieve a lunar soft landing and to transmit photographic data from the Moon's surface to Earth.
  • First Death In Space

    Vladimir Komarov was the first death during a space mission
  • first soft landing on Venus

    first soft landing on Venus
    Venera 7 was the first spacecraft to make a soft landing on Venus.
  • first spacecraft to orbit another planet

    first spacecraft to orbit another planet
    Mariner 9 became the first spacecraft to orbit another planet.
  • first spacecraft to land on a comet

    first spacecraft to land on a comet
    Philae lander accomplished the first ever soft landing of a human-made spacecraft on the surface of a comet