Nasa meatball logo   gpn 2002 000195

Space Race-AP6

By pug73
  • USSR launches Sputnik 1

    USSR launches Sputnik 1
    The Sputnik 1 spurred US to launch its own satelites and begin explorationin earnest. It also marked the begging of the competition between the US and the USSR to have dominance
  • Period: to

    Space Race-AP6

  • Explorer 1 is launched

    Explorer 1 is launched
    When Explorer 1 was launched it helped the US descover space but the USSR was in the lead on the Space Race and US need to do somthing big.
  • Tiros 1 is the first weather satellite.

    Tiros 1 is the first weather satellite.
    Tiros 1 helped the US with it's weather problems, also somthing the USSR didn't have to prepare for storms
  • Yuri Gagarin becomes first person in space.

    Yuri Gagarin becomes first person in space.
    USSR has a big lead with them sending the first man into space and also makeing him orbit the Earth
  • L.Gorden last American to fly alone in space

    L.Gorden last American to fly alone in space
    America has just realized that the more experienced are better at flying the rocketship.
  • Ranger 7 transmits the first close range images of the moon

    Ranger 7 transmits the first close range images of the moon
    US just had a close range image of the moon USSR haven't came close to the moon and we had just pulled threw Kennedy being assassinated.
  • Ed WHite performs America's first sapce walk

    Ed WHite performs America's first sapce walk
    This helped the US, this gave them cpurge, strenght, anf that they could go to the moon!!!
  • Luna 9 becomes the first spacecraft to land softly on the moon.

    Luna 9 becomes the first spacecraft to land softly on the moon.
    This helped the USSR catch up to the US by landing on the moon it proves that they are not out of the "Game" just yet.
  • Lunar Orbiter 1 enters orbit around the moon and takes a picture of the Earth

    Lunar Orbiter 1 enters orbit around the moon and takes a picture of the Earth
    This didn't realy help the US to much besides showing the US citizens what the earth looked like from afar.
  • Neil Armstrong and Edwin "buzz" Aldrin became the first men to walk on the moon

    Neil Armstrong and Edwin "buzz" Aldrin became the first men to walk on the moon
    This helped the US win the cold war and it also helped us byt letting us study the surface of the moon.