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Space !!!!

  • Space in 1919

    Space in 1919
    Age: Infinite
    Size: 300,000 lightyears Newton and Einstein predicted that the sun's gravity bends starlight Dr. Stanley Eddington confirmed Einstein's theory. Einstein created the cosmological constant to keep the universe unchanging.
  • Period: to


  • Space in 1929

    Space in 1929
    Age: 2 billion years
    Size: 280 million lightyears Dr. Hubble took photos of "spiral nebulae" with the Hooker Telescope Dr. Hubble's discovery settled a debate between Curtis and Shapley. The spiral nebula was confirmed to be outside the Milky Way. Hubble identified three types of galaxies: Spiral, elliptical, and irregular
  • Space in 1955

    Space in 1955
    Age: 6 billion years
    Size: 4-8 billion lightyears Baade discovered Type I stars and Type II stars. Type I stars are brighter, bluer, and lie in open clusters. Type II are redder, fainter, and lie in globular clusters. The two theories of origin of the Universe were the steady state theory and the big bang theory.
  • Space in 1965

    Space in 1965
    Age: 10-25 billion years
    Size: 25 billion lightyears Penzias and Wilson found radiation matching a temperature of 3.5 degrees K. Princeton astronomers deduced that the radiation was left over from the hot, dense ball of matter and energy that existed at the beginning of the Universe. Emile LeRox, Andrei Droshkevic, and Edward Ohm missed background radiation in their studies.
  • Space in 1993

    Space in 1993
    Age: 12-20 billion years
    Size: 30 billion lightyears The two standard candles used are the Cepheid variables and Type 1A Supernovae. Without dark matter, the gas cloud discovered by ROSAT would quickly dissipate. The Universe began as a dense ball of energy that began to expand, distributing hot radiation and space outward in all directions.
  • Space in 2006

    Space in 2006
    Age: 13.7 billion years
    Size: 94 billion lightyears The Universe is composed of 73% dark energy, 4% atoms, and 23% dark matter. The acronym stands for Cosmic Microwave Background. CMB is remaining light from the beginning of the Universe.