Southern Border-Chile

By valjam
  • Allende was minister of health 1930-1940

  • Period: to


  • Cold War 1947-1991

    red scare develops
    fear of comunism and socialism
  • Christian Democrat Party

    not as left as the socialist, but did have some progressive ideologies
  • allende runs and losses

    he came in second with 39% of the vote
  • Tough 3 canidate elections

    US opposed Allende
  • Allende WOOOO

    1970s Allende presidency: redistribution of wealthy peoples land and naturalize copper (sovereignty). (US opposed him, he is a socialist)
  • assisination of allendes chief of staff

  • Coup led by General Pinochet ousts Allende

    Allende is assisinated in the presidents palace.
    [bloodiest COUP] president palace is bombed, 3,000 killed
  • Pinochet dictatorship from 1973-1990

    ➢ Brutal acts committed by Pinochet regime:o 300,000 people were tortured, 200,000 went into exileo Murdered political prisoners and hunt down Chileans who went into exile.o Concentration camps, relatives still searching for remains.o Disappearing- a form of death with out a sense of closure
    ➢ Christian Democrats and Socialist work together in opposition and attempt to murder Pinochet US pours $24 million in aid to Pinochet regime to purchase wheat and end the shortage of the Allende era
  • Operation Condor Implemented

    a campaign of assassination and intelligence-gathering conducted jointly by the security services of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay in the mid-1970s” program aimed to eradicate socialist or communist ideas during the cold war. torture equipment was provided by the cia to south american coutries
  • Global recession hit

    Chicago boys pushed Chlien economy to the brink
  • the coalition of popular unity

    This was the first real opposition to the Pinochet regime
    coalition of Christian Democrats, liberals, radicals, Social Democrats, and socialists
  • • 1985: year that US’s attitude towards Pinochet shifts- begins to support democratic view/party

  • Largos Arrested almost murdered

  • failed attempt of assisination by communist

    pompted pinochet to lash out on all the people of the left.
    and detain all the people of the left
  • Pinochet loses a referendum

    he losses a referendum that dictates whether he shoud stay in power or not.
  • Lagos goes on tv and denounces it

  • Opposing canidate wins election

    Pinochet steps down but remains commander and chief of the army and is still has wide influence. 1990
  • Christian Democrat Patricio Aylwin wins president

  • Pinochet became commander and chief of the army

  • Ricardo Largos is elected