
By Eck99
  • 1992 - 1994 - United states Involvement

    1992 - 1994 - United states Involvement
    Somalia is experiencing famine and a civil war.... Somalis are being
  • 1997 Jul 3

    1997 Jul 3
    A Canadian commission established to review the actions of peace-keeping troops in Somalia between 1992-93 concluded that the troops were unprepared and victimized by commanders who ignored problems that escalated to torture and the killing of a Somali teenager.
  • 1996 Sep, 23

    1996 Sep, 23
    Ethiopian forces exchanged fire with Somali militiamen.
  • 2002 Jun 29

    2002 Jun 29
    Somalia's transitional government formally called for the U.N. Security Council to send an armed force to the Horn of Africa nation.
  • 1999 Feb 15

    1999 Feb 15
    It was reported that cholera in Bandera, Somalia, has killed at least 60 people and infected over 250.
  • 2006 Jun 16

    2006 Jun 16
    In Somalia some 10,000 opponents of an international peacekeeping mission demonstrated in Mogadishu, which is controlled by an Islamic militia accused by the US of harboring wanted al-Qaida members.